Thursday 11 October 2007

A Wonderful Gift and update on Jim

Look what I got from my BFF Beatrice today. She gave this to me at our Thursday stitching group and made me cry. I was so surprised and delighted that she took the time to do this for me. The center is a medallion from Paradigm. I just love the stitching and the pillow finish is gorgeous. I am so lucky.

Her mom, Adriana also stitched me a little angel. I forgot to photograph it but will for my next blog.

Been stitching away on Carol's neighborhood. Got a nice chunk done today.

On the personal front, DH and I managed to pack all boxes and other assorted belongings into the van today without an argument or hassle. That is rare but today it worked. Cause for celebration. We are closing our house up tomorrow and going to visit our son in Ottawa for a week.

I talked to my sister Sherry last night. Jim is making steps forward. When he saw my mom yesterday he said "Hey" for the first time. Sherry bundled him into their van with my mom and her kids and they took him to IHOP for supper. Sherry was rattling away about the menu to him. He spoke up "Your" he said, she said "talking too fast". He said "Yes" and pointed to his choice on the menu. He has taken a couple of steps with a three-footed cane. He can haul himself out of his bed to the wheelchair and from the wheelchair to the tiolet and back. He is learning to compensate for his paralyzed right side. They are small steps but good steps. Each one is the answer to a prayer.


  1. That is a gorgeous pillow you got there, just lovely (to Beatrice when you read this: it's gorgeous Beatrice). I am glad that your ?brother-in-law is making improvements. What a good sil you are to care so much.

  2. Beatrice has had many evil plots up her sleeve lately!

    She did a beautiful job!

  3. Sorry to have made you cry ..I sure hope they were happy tears..LOL
    YOU are Welcome!8
    Dani said the pillows were Evil. plots heehee, Maybe she was Right,but I sure had fun making them for Christin, Dani and You.
    I'm so pleased to hear that Jim is doing better, tell Sherry Hey for me.

  4. The pillow is so beautiful! So glad to hear that Jim is doing better, and making daily progress!

  5. Glad to hear that all our thoughts and prayers are paying off for Jim. Sounds like he is making great progress. Many thanks again for my lovely biscourni (?). Try as I might, it looks like I will always be reminded of those dreaded COWS!!! Your thoughtfulness is much appreciated.

  6. You are so lucky to get a wonderful pillow from talented beatrice.
    So glad to here Jim is making progress.

  7. Oh, lovely pillow! The stitched medallion looks beautiful - makes me can't wait to start our SAL.

    And wonderful news about your BIL - every small step in one in the right direction.

    Have a wonderful visit with your family!

  8. Your BIL's progress is phenomenal!
    I hope things continue to get better slowly but surely.
    Beatrice made such a lovely pillow for you! She's very talented.
    Hope you have a safe trip to your son's home. You won't be far from either myself or Dani!

  9. Beatrice did a wonderful job with the pillow, it is beautiful. Glad to hear that Jim is making improvements, and have a wonderful week with your son.

  10. Ya'll are so sweet to my greatest Sister. Without her those cruical first days I cant say we'd have gotten thru it.
    We are minute to miles each day. He now can even show he is ticky (nice way to say it) to me as Im not doing as he wishes. He strongly wants to go home.
    He is having pain in right hip,right knee and moved 2 fingers yesterday. But with each new day a new change occurs.
    Thank You all for your prayers and we'll muddle the slow climb and hope for the best.
    They tell me a long recovery and only time will tell how much improvement can be made.
    Beatrice your a Doll and Kathy is blessed you are in her life.
    Will be awhile before he is medically stabe to come home and have to have a wall down to make wheelchair accessible.
    Take Care All
    (Kathys baby sister)

  11. Just want to say Hello to Sherry and Jim and the kids...Lots of love from Beatrice

  12. How wonderful that Jim is making progress! I love the pillow, that's so sweet!
