Tuesday 20 November 2007

Stitching progress and a problem

I have happily taken a break from washing windows to post my progress for last week. I am unpacked and everything is in it's place. $280 later the cupboards and fridge are full and then we have eaten out 3 of the last 5 days. Maybe I should have waited on those groceries!! DH is off golfing this afternoon so I should have some time to stitch without interruption.

Travelling in the car to Arizona gave me lots of quality stitching time. Our activities here tend to end early evening so I have some stitching time then too.

I am off to Joann's this week. Their floss is on 5/$1.00 and I can't resist that. I am hoping to go through my floss boxes once I finish these windows and see what I need or might need LOL.Crystal Tree is finally coming together. I have finished the top 1/2 and now I get to stitch some presents and other colors as I work my way to the bottom of the tree. There is less confetti stitching in the bottom so I should be able to stay on track better. My neighbor came over to see my new projects and she wanted to see my stitching on the back. What did she pick but the Crystal Tree that is not my neatest piece because of all the confetti stitching.

I made some great progress on Paradigm too. This was one entire day in the car and I felt that I accomplished a lot that day. I am really enjoying this stitch.

I finished Page 3 of Little Book of Stitches and am pleased with how it looks. I have, however, run into a problem with this that I am not sure how to solve. When I cut the fabric I misread the number of pages. Therefore, I have 6 pieces of fabric and 8 pages. I do not have any more of this fabric in my stash and now I am trying to remember where I bought it to try and find another piece for the two missing pages. If I cannot find it, and I don't think my chances are very good, I may have to scrap these two pages and start over again. GROAN!!!!!!

Take care everyone and have a good week.


  1. If you can't find a match to your fabric, why don't you go for a contrasting one instead and do alternate pages?

    PL is looking good. That's a lot of stitching for one day. How on earth you manage to stitch in the car though lol. I go dizzy just trying to read map direction and my eyes find of 'float about'. I'd have no chance reading a chart and trying to get my needle through a tiny hole in the fabric.

  2. Have you done the first and last pages yet? Why don't you do those in a complimentary fabric? Good luck with whatever you choose.

  3. Like your other commentors, I'd definately try for a solution using complimentary fabric. Good luck!!

  4. Your ct is looking fabulous..gorgeous :)
    OH SHOOT....I hope you can find it...but then it might just be less stressful to chuck and start over. Good luck!

  5. I SURE do hope you can find the fabric you need but I agree you could contrasting hopefully.
    Your tree looks amazing good for you to stick with it.
    Off to stitch on PL today yippee.

  6. I hope you find a solution to the problem. It would be such a shame to start all over.
    Love all your stitching projects! Floss really is so much cheaper over your way....im lucky if i can get 2 for a £1

  7. Glad to hear you arrived safe and sound! Your perseverance with Crystal Tree is paying off. It's looks fantastic!
    As I said before, I don't know how you manage to stitch in the car. I make a real mess of things!
    Hope you can find a way of fixing Book of Stitches. I agree that perhaps a contrast would work well.

  8. I hope you find a match for your fabric -or how about a smaller book? PL is looking great! We're in the midst of our first ice storm of the season today - yuck!

  9. Kathy I'm sorry to hear you've run into fabbie problems. Aren't chances high that you got it from Ann?

    Wow you've gotten just so far on that trees it looks fantastic!!!

  10. Wow lots of stitching and everything looks great. Hope you cam find the fabric you need.

  11. Oh your Crystal Tree is looking so pretty! I keep seeing the Mirabilia tree that looks sort of similar, but I am thinking you said this one was from a magazine?
