Monday 30 June 2008

Gardens, Birds, Dragons, Horses, Flowers and Mittens

Well, it has been one very busy week. Remember that oh so overgrown garden. Well, now it looks like a brand new rockery which I think it was in the beginning. Canada Day is tomorrow so you will see all the little Canada flags in my garden.
And, this lovely new garden, needs a guardian. I found this little fella at a local garden center. Now, he needs a name - any suggestions?We also have some new visitors to our neighborhood. We have a family of Purple Martins who have moved in. I have seen three babies but think there may be another. I had to hide amidst my laundry on the line to get some pictures.And I did some stitching. First off, I received my Fair and Square Summer squares from Melissa P. (no blog). They are a Just Nan design - my first ever Just Nan and I just love it!!!!
Here are the squares that I did for her. It is a Marjolein Bastien design and is called Summer.

I also made a little scissor fob taking the butterfly from the design. I loved the look but had some trouble stitching it together.

We have a secret RR going on with my circle of Thursday Stitchers. Since she is not a blog reader, I feel safe in showing you my work on her piece.
And here is the entire RR to this point
My dear friend Ann from Knowledge and Needles figured out how to mirror the JBW mitten I had done and now we have a proper pair. I just love these.Yep, they are sideways. They are right side up in My Pictures but when I import them, for some reason, blogger is randomly flipping them sideways. Go Figure!!!
Not a great week on the weight loss front. I gained 1.5 lbs. this week. I kind of fell off the wagon for a week and it showed on the scale.
I don't know how much stitching I will get done this week. We are taking our grandson Jack to our house for a week to stay and play.


  1. Wonderful squares...and look at that RR, amazing :)

  2. Hey girl the horse looks great..I saw all the other pieces in RL and they are wonderful.
    The dragon might not be there when you get the garden will be, it's lovely.

  3. What a lovely selection of photo's. Your garden is looking lovely and the guardian is so cute. He looks like a Mortimer to me lol.

    Love the stitching. The horse is great and those squares are so pretty.

    LOL at you hiding in the laundry. You got a great photo of the Martin tho!

  4. I'd say that dragon is an Errol for sure.

    Great pictures!!! :D Love your garden.

  5. Love your garden pictures. PL is looking wonderful and every time I see your Little Book of Stitches I am so tempted to start mine. But I think I have enough wips at the moment.

  6. You have some finishes, unbelievable! Well done, it looks lovely, all of it! (Me being Grumpy, haven't made a single stitch last week :( Mweh!)
    How nice, this nest and the garden, thanks for sharing!

    Hugs, Carolien

  7. Lovely finishes ... I especially like the scissors fob ... I always find it a challenge to sew up such a little cushion in so neatly squared off a fashion ... most impressive work. I think you should name that dragon after a great Celtic hero like Chulainn or some such ... he seems to cry out for a slightly other-worldly name.

  8. Wow you've gotten so much stitching done! I can't wait to see your new garden in person.

  9. My goodness, you have a gorgeous garden, Kathy!
    I´m busily thinking of a name for your guardian dragon. I´ll holler when I think of something.
    Great work on the squares (beautiful Marjolein Bastin!) and the fob, and the RR :o)

  10. Hi Kathy, thank you for your lovely comments regarding my samplers. I too don't know which ones I like more than the others Although I think that the last one I finished and some of the ones that I gave my Mum are up there.
    You have a beautiful garden and I can't think of a good name for your dragon although Errol does sound good.
    Your stitching work is looking lovely. The one with the horses on it looks interesting. - Sandra.

  11. Wonderful photos! I love the little martin peeking out at you!

    Your squares turned out awesome and the little fob is really sweet!

  12. That purple martin is a cutie. Perhaps your dragon is a Martin. Love the horse!!

  13. Well done on doing the yard up, it's looking fantastic. Hope you had a wonderful Canada Day - as you can imagine, I had to celebrate on my own here! Love the mittens, they are very sweet.

  14. Wonderful all round -- love the garden, adore the dragon, envy the stitching! Congrats on everything. Now as for a name for your new yard warden, that's a serious matter. I'll ruminate on it.

  15. Love your work!!
    The very first dragon movie I ever saw was an animated one called Flight of Dragons and the main dragon in that movie was called "Gorbash", its just one name I have never forgotton. Another old sounding name I like is "Nicodemus", sounds quite mythical.
    Hope they help!!
    LISA V

  16. Lovely stitching! Love the squares you did - very pretty. xx

  17. Kathy I love your new garden! What about naming the dragon Norbert after Hagrid's baby dragon in Harry Potter?
    Your squares for Melissa are beautiful and I love the way the mittens turned out.
