Tuesday 13 October 2009

Boxes, boxes everywhere

Hello everyone.
What a wonderful Thanksgiving/Christmas we shared with our family. There was lots of laughter, cries of happiness and that contented feeling that comes from eating too much turkey. We had a great time. I did not get any photos that were especially great so will just share that it was fun.

By noon on Monday, Leo and I had it all down, packed into their crates and stored away.

Now, my house is full of packing boxes as we prepare for our trek to Arizona. I am a stitcher and a quilter so several boxes are supplies alone!! There are 2 sewing machines, a laptop, our clothes and whatever food that is left in the house. What we do not pass to our children for consumption, we take with us. With no heat on, there is not much food wise that can be left in the house.
And so, we prepare to move out. I know the field mice are packing their bags getting ready to move back in. They move in every year. We have done all we can and they still come in. We leave Warfarin out so I don't have any bodies when we return.
In between everything else, I have done a little stitching.

Here is the latest Mirabilia RR completed and ready for mailing.
I stitched Violet in honor of mine and Drew's purple hair.

Sophia will add the beads once the RR is returned home. That's why Violet has a gap at her waist.
And here is her RR to date.

I picked up my neighborhood that was returned to me quite a while ago and had a blank space for me to stitch. Well, I finally sat down and here it is - done, finished.

I am not sure how I want to finish this - frame it, pillow it, quilt it????? Any ideas.

I also picked up a UFO and put some stitches in it.

This is Fairies in the Garden from one of the British magazine. This is my third attempt - the first two went in the garbage - didn't like the fabric. I am liking the 28 count Opalescent I chose this time and I think it will get stitched completely now. Trust me, there will be fairies here at some point lol.

Blogging may be a little scarce for a bit as we transition from here to Arizona but I will do my best.

Keep stitching everyone. You amaze me each and every day.


  1. All the best with your move Kathy.

    Great RRs, the Mirabilia is especially pretty!

  2. Beautiful RRs, both or them. Yay you for finishing your beach RR. I have no suggestions as to the ultimate finishing. I have two of my own I need to get finished!

    Good luck and travel safely, Kathy!

  3. Your post sounds so happy - glad you had so much fun with your family. :)

    Love the RR too and the progress on the Fairy WIP. :)

  4. I just don't know how you do it...moving twice a year that is. I hate to move~~the whole packing and unpacking and cleaning thing. Best wishes for a safe journey and if you're in the neighborhood, you should give me a look up :)

  5. Hope you get everything packed but your stitching! Looking forward to seeing you next weekend...

  6. Travel safely and have a nice time!!

  7. Wall hanging. Or if you framed it, a driftwood style frame would look great I think.

  8. Hi Kathy,

    Happy trails!! Hope that your
    trip to the hot and sunny climes
    of Arizona is a safe one. Though
    why you'd want to leave Canada
    just when the weather is getting
    interesting is beyond me. Ha Ha!

    Your Christmas decorations are/
    were lovely. But I can't believe
    that you do all that work to get
    them unpacked, set out and then
    repacked again, only to get to
    enjoy them for a few days. You
    really are a trouper.

    I'd forgotten that you collected
    nutcrackers and I got such a
    kick out of seeing the entire
    legion of them that you have
    covering table, floor and rafter.

    Your Christmas tree loaded with
    ornaments is gorgeous and I would
    have loved to spend an hour or so
    going around it, looking at every
    thing. And the traveling tree is
    a very cool idea. Elvis in gold
    lame eh??

    The Stitcher's Sampler turned out
    very nicely and looks great as a
    pillow. And I love Sophia's RR
    with the wonderful, colorful
    Mirabilia fairies.

    Hope that this time stitching Fairies in the Garden will be
    the charm and it all goes
    smoothly for you, with no
    visits from pesky frogs etc.


  9. Safe travels to Arizona!
    Your neighbourhood looks great, i think you should quilt it!

  10. Have a safe trip. The stitching is looking wonderful.
    Love the neighorhood. I am sure it will look great whatever you decide

  11. I'll miss you Kathy...how far do you figure we'll get on Fairies this winter???

  12. OMG -- I love it all -- the RRs are both absolutely wonderful. I keep swearing I'm going to organize a Mira RR, but I never quite get there.

    Love he beachy neighborhood!!! Especially the crabs :)

  13. hope you have a wonderful trip :)

  14. Hi Kathy
    I have been catching up on blog land and missed your previous mail about your son and all your worries. My prayers are with you and all your family, when our children are ill as grown ups its a very heavy cross to bear.
    But it seems alls well.
    What a wonderful gathering it was for your Thanksgiving/Christmas and all the decorations looked wonderful and now you're off to Arazona for the winter!! Wow I think we might have a long weekend away and thats all!
    I too have bought a Chatelaine design, Convents Herbal Garden so when you're ready to start your please mail me and we can compare our progress. Have a safe journey and happy landings in Arazona!!
    Love and Blessings
    Chris xxx

  15. OOPPS
    Sorry Arizona!! Actually while I am here correcting my spelling, do you have a spare bed for us??? LOL
    Hugs and Blessings
    Chris xxx

  16. Oohh the RR is gorgous, Violet is so pretty. Your neighborhood RR looks great too, looking forward to seeing how you decide to finish it. Good luck with moving all the stuff to Arizona, hope it goes smoothly. Glad to hear too that you like the material you choose to restart on, looking forward to seeing your next progress post of it.

  17. Beautiful stitching and progress! And that's why one must drive when traveling distances for lengths of time! Safe trip and looking forward to continued posts from Arizona!
