Wednesday 25 November 2009

Finally A Stitchy Post

Hi there everyone.

Well, I am as unpacked as I am gonna get lol! I have only lost my calendar and my husband's new boating license in the move. I don't think that is too bad but I'm not sure he would agree.

I was going to post about my stitches as I crossed the country but decided to hold them for a future post. I want to share with you the wonderful gift that my stitching friends at home gave me before I left.

A couple of years ago I started a RR that did not work out. When it was returned to me, my friends decided they would help me out and stitch for me. It has taken quite a while and I did not see my RR in all that time. My friends would not tell me who had it and who stitched on it.

Ann of Knowledge and Needles had a retreat in November. I was able to spend Friday evening with everyone before I left at oh-dark-thirty on Saturday for the trek to Arizona.
My RR was returned to me at that time.

I owe a large debt of thanks to my wonderful friends - Beatrice, Dani, Judie, Angie, Ann and Barb for the amazing job they have done. To Katrina, who was the first person to stitch on this RR and who has not seen it since - thank you for sticking with it.

I think I will change the names and put them under the lighthouse each one has stitched and put something else in that area.

There are still 3 lighthouses and all those little boats to go around as a border. Oh well, someday it will be finished.

Thank you again to my wonderful stitching friends for the gracious gift of their stitches and time. I love you all!!!!


  1. Kathy those lighthouses were a true labour of love... with lots of muttering and cursing under my breath!

  2. Ack!!! Lighthouses. lol

    Seriously, it's very beautiful and sweet of your friends.

    Are those little boats going to be a border around the entire piece? They're so cute.

  3. D'aww; stitchers are the nicest people. :)

  4. Hi Kathy,

    What a lovely gift from your friends, it looks great!

    Happy stitching & hugs,

  5. Fantastic stitching there, you have amazing friends :D

  6. Well I love your RR!! It turned out very nice with the lighthouses! How nice of your stitching friends to help you with this. Great job of them.


  7. I'll stitch a lighthouse for you! :) Do you have the patterns, or do I find my own? You have my address, right?

  8. How wonderful that your RR had such a happy ending!!

  9. These lighthouses look so great. What a wonderful RR this has become.

  10. Awesome! lighthouse RR
    That is a piece to be cherished for many years to come.

  11. Very pretty, I am so glad you got so much of it finished.

  12. What a fabulous surprise, Kathy! What wonderful friends you have. Hope it's warm and sunny in AZ; it's wet and gloomy here but we had a nice Thanksgiving despite the weather. Hope your day was good also.

  13. Every project can be "saved"...and friends like yours...well, that's love.

  14. What a fantastic RR! Friends are the best :)

  15. What a wonderful gift to recieve, that was so thoughtful of them to do that for you. Glad to hear only two items went lost in the move. I can't imagine trying to pack all that stuff and keep it organized with all you've had going on. I continue to keep your son in my thoughts that he gets a surgery date soon and that all goes well for him.

  16. Love it, love it, love it!!! And I would also like to stitch one of those lighthouses for you. You know I can't resist a lighthouse!
