Sunday 15 November 2009

Southward Bound

Just dropping by with a brief note.

My mom's cataract surgery went well and she is rapidly on the mend.

We discussed what to do with our son this week and the decision was made that we would head south to your winter home in Arizona. We will fly home to be with our son when the date has been set for his surgery.
We are at present 30 miles west of Des Moines, Iowa in a hotel for the night. I have stitched my way along and will have some things to show you when I can.

See you on the sunny side.


  1. Safe travels, Kathy. Hope all goes well with your mom and your son.

  2. I'm glad to hear the good news on your mom! Have a safe trip!

  3. Have a good trip south, Kathy. Glad your mom is healing well, and hope that you don't run into any snow before you reach the sunshine!

  4. Travel safe my dear...praying for you all :)

  5. Have a safe trip Kathy! Glad your mom's surgery went well and hopefully your DS will get the surgery schedule settled soon.

  6. It was wonderful to see you on Friday evening...I hope the rest of your journey down is uneventful!

  7. So happy to hear your mom's surgery has gone well! I hope she mends quickly:)

    I'm keeping her and your son's upcoming surgery in my thoughts and prayers. Safe travels dear friend!

  8. Please travel safely and take care! Be sure to keep us posted. :)

  9. Thanks for the update. Glad your mom's surgery went well. Good call on your son's surgery. Sure am thinking about you!

  10. Hope you have a good trip and a nice time in the south. :)
