Tuesday 1 December 2009

Gifts from friends

I am so lucky!! I have the most wonderful stitchy blogging friends. How I wish I could meet these people.

When I arrived in Arizona this lovely package from Ranae was waiting for me.

Last year I had RAK'd her this time of year and she remembered!!!
Since I missed Halloween I decided to have my own special Halloween and so this gorgeous gift is still sitting on my computer desk with the card.
and the answer to the question on the front of the card - because he was goblin his treats.

Several months ago I sent Wendy a Disney kit that I had purchased and realized I would never stitch. She is a huge Disney fan so it went to a good home.
A couple of days ago I received this package in the mail.

Wendy picked this pattern from my wishlist. She hand made the card and it is gorgeous. Very talented lady.

Cheryl and I decided on a personal Christmas exchange this year. She let me know she received my package.
The mittens are a JBW design and I reversed one pattern so they made a pair of mittens.

Those chocolates are filled with caramel and are to die for. There were 4 packages of them but I ate one before I could stop myself. BTW, my Canadian friends - I can't get them here!!!!!

Cheryl's Christmas package arrived in yesterday's mail. A beautiful ornament, gorgeous fabric, pretty beads and ribbon in my favorite colors and a lovely Bent Creek pattern.

And from my friend Fran at home. When we received the news about our son, Fran stitched this for me. I have not shown it before now as I choke up every time I read it. I think I will make this into a pillow soon or I may keep it for a while and then finish it when some time has gone by. I just wanted to acknowledge her very beautiful and thoughtful gift.

BTW, our son has heard from the surgeon. His first appointment is Dec. 11th. Hopefully we will have some further information and a possible date or time frame for surgery.

I have posted a giveaway on the entry below this. Draw date is Dec. 5th. If you are interested, check it out!


  1. Hi Kathy
    Just popped in from across the pond!! Glad to hear you 're in Arizona and unpacked, quite some feat I should think.. This verse is beautiful and some thing to treasure. The sentiments are so true, I felt choked up reading them, My daughter is waiting for the results of a biopsy and we are praying its nothing serious, so difficult when grown up children are not well.
    Take care and blessings and prayers for you and your family.
    Chris x
    PS The mittens are so cute, clever you reversing the stitching.

  2. Wow - all of these are so wonderful and your friend's gift about what cancer can't do is truly touching. Thinking of you and hoping all is well with DS and family.
    PS - the HAED is going to have to wait until after the holidays, but I promise to pick it up then. Don't give up on me! LOL Yours is beautiful. :)

  3. You have wonderful stitching friends because you ARE one! :D

  4. You ARE a lucky lady. Great gifts. :)

  5. :) I'd like to have your mailbox. :) Congratulations on lovely arrivals and departures. The final piece is especially thoughtful. It will be lovely no matter how you decide to finish it. I wish it had come out a few years ago. It would have made a nice pillow for my mom to take with her to her treatments.

  6. Wonderful gifts both sent and received. Keeping your son in my prayers.

  7. The people who deliver the mail have no idea that they get to handle such beautiful hand-made lovelies between stitchy friends when they drop off those unsuspecting packages :)

  8. Kathy you are a wonderful stitchy bloggy friend, that's why you get these awesome things. We love ya!

  9. Hi Kathy,

    How nice you got these lovely gifts!
    And now you have to wait till the 11th of this month. I think of you!

    Hugs, Carolien

  10. Beautiful gifts for a beautiful lady! And I must tell you this. The date of your son's first doctors appointment is a GOOD day! It is the day I first became a Mommy. I know he'll have good news and help from the doctor! Praying for you all hard....

  11. Oh what wonderful things!! I do love that Primitive Needle design. So fun! Sending prayers to you guys!

  12. What nice gifts!

    I am glad your DS has an appointment with the surgeon. Lots of good thoughts and prayers.

  13. Hi Kathy glad to hear you arrived safely. You have done some lovely stitching on all your different wip's and have both sent and recieved some beautiful gifts. I'm also glad to hear that your son has finally got an appointment I will keep him and all the family in my thoughts (((hugs)))

  14. Wow, so many nice gifts! I think stitchy blogging friends are the best!

  15. What a lot of lovely stuff both given and received! x

  16. Such beautiful gifts Kathy - what a welcome in Arizona!!

    Fran's piece is amazing. What a wonderful friend. Wishing all the best for your son during this difficult time.

    Yes you are right Kathy - we are moving. Actually we are heading back to Las Vegas at the end of the year.

  17. Thinking of you and your family, Kathy. I have carried a printed copy of that sayinbg around in one of my knitting bags for a while now; what a much lovelier version yours is! BTW, I love those mittens you made; they're beautiful!

  18. Wow Kathy you are such a lucky girl to recieve such beautiful gifts!

  19. Well, aren't you just one lucky duck! :-) Such wonderful gifts!

    Still praying about your son.

  20. Those are some awesome (and beautiful!) gifties!

  21. All these gifts are really great. Enjoy everything.
