Friday 14 May 2010

Blogaversary on May 17th - 3 years

I know I have been a lax blogger. Settling into home has taken a bit of time.

We have to give the mice their eviction notice, clean up after their winter's sojourn and establish ourselves as the rightful residents. Restocking the fridge and cupboards takes some time. Washing windows and general housecleaning ate up time.

We visited with our doctor - checking in - we're both fine, went to the dentist - gotta have pearly whites, need hair cuts - still working on that one - next week. We have made time to see our family and friends.

I have been spending some time with my BFF Beatrice as she adjusts to her new life alone. We have hung pictures, sorted boxes, had lunch, went on a day trip to Dani's (photos on her blog) and talked lots and stitched a little. 

This afternoon our youngest son arrived with the two grandsons for the weekend. He has gone hunting turkey with his brother and we are going to watch the two little guys. Mommy stayed at home getting some well deserved me time.

I have managed a small amount of stitching. I finished an exchange piece that I cannot show you until it is received.

I picked up my Friendship Sampler RR and filled in some of the blank parts. I think I stitched 9 hearts all told.
Beatrice took it for a day and she stitched one of the remaining 4 hearts. The other 3 are all spoken for so it won't be long until this is a finished finish!!! I am adding a before and after photo so you can see the progress.

Yesterday at stitching I received this wonderful gift from Judy (no blog). Judy is downsizing her home and amongst her treasures was this beauty. Since I am a nutcracker collector she knew I would give it a welcome new home. Isn't he grand.

I also took a quick peek into Ann's shop and walked out with this little purchase. Ann says it has been in the shop for a bit but I just never saw it. It had to come home with me. I love it so much that I have the fabric and threads pulled to start it asap not withstanding my long list of other WIP's that are more urgent.

And the best part - Monday will be my 3rd Blogaversary. What a joy it has been. I have met some of the most wonderful people and have made many new friends.

I will be offering a little gift from me to one lucky person to celebrate this grand occasion. So - leave a comment on this post and I will draw a name on May 23 at the end of the day.

To"yorkiewith needles" please contact me with an email address re the possible Mirabilia RR.

That's it for this round. Hope all your frogs have their walking papers LOL.


  1. It was great to see you on the weekend!
    Can't wait to see the lighthouse.
    Please enter me in your draw :)

  2. Woo-hoo! Three years of blogging by you is definitely worth a celebration!! I know I have become a regular reader, as I'm sure many others have. I hope you will continue to evade the frogs and keep on stitching and blogging for many years to come! Congrats, my stitching friend.

  3. lovely work on all your samplers and rr's
    congrats on your blogversary
    thanks for sharing

  4. Very cool RR.
    Judy sent you a lovely nutcracker, how nice of her.
    Happy 3rd Blogoversary!!!
    Please enter me!

  5. Happy Blogoversary!

    Have fun with those grandkids. :)

  6. Just stopping in to say hello, Kathy. Great to hear you and your DH are in good health!!

  7. Have fun with the boys on the weekend.
    I love the nutcracker from Judy...It has a good home.
    The hearts are looking great and I just knew you had to have that chart!
    Happy blogaversary...throw my name in the hat please!

  8. Happy Blog-a-versary. So happy to be a follower and to have a chance to enter.

  9. Hello Kathy,

    Your Friendship's Sampler looks so cheerful ... and almost done, joehoe!
    The nutcracker is great, what a sweet gift.
    Glad you FINALLY found that lighthouse LOL!!!
    I will be back on Monday to express my congratulations :)

    Have a great weekend with the boys & hugs, Carolien

  10. Great fotos. I love the nutcracker. Great friendship hearts. Congrats on 3 years. I would love to be added to the draw. xx

  11. Congratulations on (nearly) 3 years of blogging!

  12. Just wanted to say congrats on your blogiversary! :-)

  13. Happy Blogaversay Kathy! It was so good to see you again and spend time catching up with you.
    Your Friendship Sampler RR looks great. I just love the colours of those hearts.
    And that nutcracker is so unique! I don't think I've ever seen one quite like that.
    As for the lighthouse pattern, it was just waiting for you to come along. I mean who else could it possibly have been for?!

  14. Wow! Three years, I'm such a newbie! Love the RR its' looking great!

  15. Me again! Forgot to ask you to put my name in for the draw please.
    Thanks for the generous offer.

  16. Happy blogaversary! Sounds like you are getting all settled in again, enjoy ;-).

  17. Kathy, its so good to have you back home! I'm glad you were able to come up for my stitchy day!

    Happy Blogiversary! Please enter me on your draw :D

  18. You have been busy! I'm glad you were able to find some time to relax and stitch though :o)

  19. Oooo, love that nutcracker.

    Congratulations on your 3rd blogoversary! *happy dance* Enter me in the draw, please.

  20. It's good to have you back!
    3 years? Time flyes! Congratulations!
    The heart stitching is turning beautiful!

  21. I was so happy to see your smiling face at Dani's last weekend...glad moving back is almost done and I look forward to many more stitching adventures with you in the near future...and please put my name in on the draw - Happy Blogaversary, three years is a wonderful accomplishment.

  22. Congratulations! 3 years is a long time to keep up isn't it? I really like the blue for your RR and what a keepsake it will be when you finish.

  23. A nutcracker collector? Me too. How fun to know there is someone else suffering from nutcrackeritis. :-) Congratulations on your blog anniversary!

    Hugs from Holland ~

  24. Friendship RR looks beautiful! Great stitching and love the new nutcracker!

  25. This Friendship RR is such a lovely piece. It must be so nice to see all the additions on it and to think about where it has already travelled to and from.
    I saw the get-together pictures on Dani's blog. Seems like a great weekend for all of you.

  26. The friendship RR looks fabulous! Congratulations on your Blogaversary. The nutcracker looks great, I haven't seen one like that before, very cute! I would love to be added to the draw.

  27. Wow, the quilt you finished looked wonderful, and the mermaid on the mermaid RR turned out fantastic. I've watched that one going round and it is so pretty, what a fun idea. Your lighthouse on the other RR looked great too. How fun that you found the lighthouse pattern to add to your stash, I'll enjoy watching it grow. Your heart RR is looking lovely as well, so many beautiful pictures to see, and how fun to get the nutcracker. Congrats on your Blogaversary,

  28. Very cool nutcracker! My coworker's husband makes awesome wood ones.

    Sounds like you've been really busy lately. Congrats on your blogversary. Time goes by so fast, doesn't it?
