Saturday 14 August 2010

Pennies and stitching

Look out world - two posts in 5 days!!!! I guess that's what happens when you have a birthday. The wonderful gifts continue to arrive.

From Barb (no blog) at Thursday stitching - these wonderful marking pins.

From sweet Clare - these wonderful goodies - look at that lighthouse fabric - LOVE IT!!! and the lighthouse card. That key holder will hold the key to my new house in a few weeks.

My DIL and son gave me this too cute snail that my granddaughter Drew named Esci - for escargot LOL.

And Drew - well she made me this sign on the beach with the lovely pile of seaweed. Works for me!!!!! Will treasure this photo always.

Melissa also sent me this lighthouse card with my gorgeous lighthouse box. It is Peggy's Cove lighthouse in Nova Scotia. I was born in Nova Scotia and stood on those rocks in 2000!!!

And here are my stitching progresses.

I finished up this wallhanging. It was a kit and went together very nicely! I consider it a stitching progress cause I had to add the windows and the rails after with floss.

I brought my lighthouse RR to the cottage and got lots done. I did the boat border up the right side.
I decided to name and number each lighthouse underneath - over 1 on 32 count. My eyes just about crossed.
I added the words - Lighthouse Keepers and added the names of the stitcher for each lighthouse.
I'm really liking how it is coming together.

And Royal Holiday got some major work!!!
Here she is before.

 And here she is now!!!! She will now be my focus piece until she is done! I can finally see an end in sight.

Well, off to buy a kitchen countertop, and hardwood floor and paint for the master bedroom. Three weeks until we have possession of our new house. Am I excited!! You bet!!!!

Until next time - keep those needles singing.


  1. YAY! Happy, happy belated birthday dear Kathy :)
    I've got to go back now and read . . and new house? WOW!

  2. Happy belated birthday. Lots of fun presents!

    Your lighthouse RR looks amazing, and RH is just stunning!

  3. I hope your day was special Kathy!
    You sure got some lovely gifts.
    I love what you've done to the Lighthouse RR with the addition of the Keepers! It's a really unique idea.
    Royal Holiday looks amazing! I tried using Whisper recently on an ornament and gave up in disgust. I'm with you on this one, it's a pain in the .... well you get the general picture, lol!

  4. And another bunch of lovely gifts. Enjoy them all.
    I loved seeing your progress pictures. That lighthouse RR is such a beauty. And oh, you added really a lot to the Royal Holiday. It's very motivating to see her growing so much, isn't it.

  5. Your gifts are awesome! Love the progress in stitching - it all looks fantastic!

  6. Royal Holiday is looking great! Your lighthouse piece is a beauty too.
    Good luck with all the moving plans

  7. so glad I could stitch on your lighthouse piece! It looks awesome!

  8. What lovely birthday gifties!! :) Your stitching is amazing - such quick progress!! I hope your move is a happy one! :)

  9. Plenty of gorgeous gifts! I had to laugh at the picture of your granddaughter with the big pile of seaweed. Looks so much like something my kids would do. Your stitching looks beautiful btw. Have a very happy birthday!

  10. Wow, that Royal Holiday piece is amazing. And to think I've been whining about the details on my sampler! Yours looks very difficult..... Glad you had a nice b'day!

  11. Your sure have a great group of stitching friends, Kathy! Love all of your goodies. And that living postcard from your granddaughter is so sweet!!

    Royal Holiday and lighthouse RR are stunning--can't wait to see them finished up...

  12. Wonderful birthday gifts - especially the snail and beach wish from your grandchildren. So special.

    Royal Holiday is so beautiful. Looking forward to seeing it completed.

    Good luck with all the things you have to do before you move.

  13. Got that wrong didn't I - the sweet snail is from DIL & son not grandchild. Whomever - it is SPECIAL!!

  14. All your birthday gifts are wonderful!!! And love the border on the lighthouse round robin :-).

  15. All your stuff is looking great!
    Dan needs a lesson in making spatzle!

  16. Wow you've had a fantastic birthday week! How special! That Drew is a sweetheart!

  17. First of all: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Wonderful gifts you received. I love the photo of your granddaughter. I think that's the best gift of all :)

    Your lighthouse RR is wonderful, and your other WIP is coming along nicely.

  18. Great pictures all around! The Nova Scotia lighthouse was a happy accident. The artist had a number of lighthouse shots in her shop, I just picked what I thought was the prettiest one.

    Eagerly awaiting a Royal Holiday happy dance!

  19. Well Congratulations to your Birthday and Many Happy Returns. I love all of your stitching and those lighthouses are amazing.
    Be always in stitches.

  20. Happy birthday to you,
    happy birthday to you,
    happy birthday dear Kathy,
    happy birthday to youuuuuuuuuu!

    Now my singing is not so great but that birthday greeting from your granddaughter in the sand sure is!

    I love all your gifts! That must have felt like Christmas had come.

    The lighthouse wallhanging is so neat! I have never seen anything like it but I love it. Do you know where it will go in your new house? :-)

    Hugs from Holland ~

  21. Hi your embroidery with lighthouses is magnificent which work! The fairy is magnificent! I continue my visit at home and I am delighted to correspond with you! All my embroiderer's friendship!!!!

  22. Happy belated birthday Kathy. You received some gorgeous gifts. Your wips are looking great, I love how your RR is looking.

  23. Glad you had a lovely birthday and got some very lovely gifts!

  24. So glad your birthday joy has continued! :D That snail is adorable!

  25. Happy birthday, belatedly! Wonderful birthday gifts. Love your wallhanging!
