Thursday 23 September 2010

Home Sweet Home

Well, it's done. We are all moved into our new home. All the furniture is in it's place. All the new purchases to fill the empty spaces are placed.The 130+ boxes are unpacked and in their place. All the pictures are on the walls and all the knick knacks are in their spots. It looks and feels like home.
We signed over our old home today to the new owner. It was time to move but there were some small feelings of loss as we left the house for the final time.
It has been a long gruelling four weeks. Leo and I moved 90 percent of our belongings ourselves. Our van became a moving van. We learned that you could even move a futon in a Dodge Grand Caravan!
Our eldest son and his father in law were a great help with the big heavy stuff. It was moved using their two 1/2 ton trucks and two trailers. Our niece's boyfriend installed some kitchen cupboards for us. I painted our master bedroom - ceiling and walls before we moved furniture in. My BIL came and he and my husband installed hardwood flooring in the master bedroom. My sister came and helped wash walls. Friends came to help unpack, set up, commiserate and check out the new abode. We had friends come for a weekend. Linda helped me decide where to hang my many, many treasures and her wonderful husband helped mine transport all the outdoor furniture and garden ornaments to the new abode.
I don't know how all this stuff fit into an 800 square foot park model. We now live in a 1750 square foot house and it is full!!!!!! Leo is still trying to figure out where I found room for 130 boxes worth of stuff and to be honest so am I LOL.

I want to thank each and every one of you for your lovely comments on my finish of Royal Holiday. It was good to have her done. All your wonderful comments went straight to my head and I was awed at your kind words.
I have stitched hardly a stitch in this past month. I have often picked up a piece, did a few stitches and put it down, just too tired to concentrate.

On the stitching front, I have a couple of things to show you.

I do owe an apology to Annette at Annette's Acre. I received this wonderful exchange from her at the beginning of September. I did personally acknowledge her wonderful, thoughtful gift but had not posted it before now.
Isn't it gorgeous. I absolutely love the color of this thread!

Here is the exchange I did for her. Her biscornu is stitched on 32 count ivory lugana. The pattern is a freebie from Casey Bounaugurio Designs. The pattern gave me the idea for a theme for her exchange and so she ended up with a collection of froggy things.

I did complete this little pattern. This scissor keep was in a package that I won in a giveaway a while back.
The pattern is a Bedouin design and made an interesting and very different keep. It was a fun stitch.

My mother gifted me with this blanket a couple of days ago. It had been given to her by a family member and she thought that I might like it. I learned from her that my great grandparents were lighthouse keepers on an island/rock in Nova Scotia. When they lived on the island, they raised sheep. My great grandmother made this quilt and filled it with wool from those sheep. It is all hand stitched and quilted. Considering it's history, I think this has become a treasure.

Although the blanket is plain in color, it is rich in stitches. The second photo is closer to the true color.

Today I found a couple of wonderful things to add some character to my new home. It will have to wait for my next post. I will share with you some photos of that and some of my new home if you are interested.

Thank you so much for stopping by and checking in on me. I have missed you and look forward to renewing our friendships. Now to catch up on all your blogs and see what wonderful things you have been up to!


  1. Good to hear moving into your new home all went well, it's great to have help from people. I would love to see pics of your new home!

    The biscornu's are so cute, I love the frog one even though I don't like when they visit me and my stitching.

    The blanket is so special to be passed down the family like that from so many generations ago.
    I hope you find more stitching time soon.

  2. Glad to hear you are all settled now. Isn't it great when so many pitch in and help? I'm looking forward to seeing pics of the new abode.
    The biscornu you received is very pretty. I like the floss colour as well. But I love that little froggy one!! You've done an awesome job on this one. It's adorable.
    That quilt and the story behind it is beautiful. A lovely treasure indeed!

  3. It's great that so many people helped you move. I love your exchange pieces. The frog biscournu is adorable! Scissor keep looks great too! Your quilt is definitely an heirloom piece to be treasured. :)

  4. Glad to hear the move went well. Both exchanges are fab and I love that little scissor keeper. x

  5. So happy to hear that your move went well, Kathy! We moved each of our sons from apartment to apartment through the years so I know just what you mean about the hauling capacity of the Grand Caravan--I miss ours so much now that it died...

    I love your frog biscornu and scissor keep and your great-grandmother's quilt will always hold a special place in your heart.

    Enjoy your new home :)

  6. Muffin Mama/Sylvia24 September 2010 at 08:28

    So happy for you that you are now in. Just moving kids from home to college and back again was enough for me. Sorry that I won't see you in November, but an sure Rebecca will take me by your new home.

  7. I'm so happy you are moved in. It can be very stressful when someone moves!
    Love the biscornu
    That quilt is beautiful... WHAT A TREASURE!!

  8. It's official--that's my favorite biscornu pattern! I made it in another color, but I've never seen a colourway (except for perhaps the chart cover itself!) that I didn't like. :)

    Love GGM's quilt--just gorgeous! Good to hear you are settled and enjoying yourself. :)

  9. Great news! I can imagine all the work you had!
    Both biscornus are beautiful!
    Your quilt is realy a treasure!

  10. Love that scissor keep! And that quilt *swoon*.

  11. I'll bet you're glad to have that behind you. Moving is a real project! Did you catch the latest Sanborn Inky Dinks? She did the remaining months.....

  12. Glad the move went well. Funny how when you move into a big house your stuff just expands to fill the space!

    The scissors keep is very cute. Great colours.

  13. Hooray, Kathy! You must be so relieved to have the move behind you!

    That blanket/quilt that your mother gave you is just the most beautiful thing. And the history behind it - WOW!

  14. And now you can settle down and stitch, stitch, stitch! Glad it all is done and you're all cozy in your new home! I love the heritage behind your blanket - a true treasure indeed!
    And great exchanges - love that Bedouin scissor keep - very cool, too!

  15. Congratulations on your new home! You were really surrounded by terrific folks while you were in the process. Moving is way up there on the stress scae and I'm glad you had people to help you through it. The bicornu is adorabble and the scissor keep is lovely, so unusual. How wonderful to be the caretaker of that quilt - its history makes it all even sweeter. Can't wait to see the goodies you found!

  16. Boy girl you have been busy! Can't wait to see pics of your all moved in house!

    What lovely biscornus sent and received.

    That quilt is a true treasure!

  17. Congrats on your new place, Kathy! If you already have your treasures hung up on the walls, then I'd say you're *really* settled in. I agree with Carolyn NC. It's time for you to settle down and stitch, stitch, stitch! Enjoy your new home and the treasures, including that wonderful blanket, that it holds.

  18. Kathy,
    Congratulations on your new home. I can't wait to see pics. What a cute exchange. I love that quilt color and what a great story it has behind it.

  19. We have lived in the same house for 20 years so I'd be scared silly to move! I'm so glad you survived and are settling in. I'm looking forward to pictures!

  20. Nice exchange, and the quilt is gorgeous!

  21. What a lovely quilt, now that is a true heritage ... very special.
    Your house is SO nice and cosy, it's a pity you live that far away because I would be that BAD to come over uninvited for a coffee to admire it all for real! Enjoy it, dear Kathy, it looks so good!
