Wednesday 15 June 2011

And life continues it's crazy path,......

I know it has been two weeks since my last post. I have been busy working on my new house.
I have finished the front garden finally. Here is the overgrown front yard before

Here it is now.

I painted the guest bedroom - 4 days - 2 coats to repaint a mint green ceiling and  3 coats of paint on the walls. Photos to follow in next blog post. I got my lighthouse RR back today and it will be featured in the new room.

We had a new back door installed in our kitchen. The previous door let in no light whatsoever. Isn't it just the prettiest door!

I went away for 4 days stitching with my buddies - Beatrice, Anne, Dani, Christin, Barb, Clare, Rebecca, Sylvia, Bonnie and our wonderful hostess Sheila. It was beautiful, peaceful and so restful. We ate too much, laughed too much, stitched a lot and enjoyed each other's company to the utmost. I developed a serious case of stitcher's butt and loved every minute of it. You can also see photos and stories of this wonderful weekend on my buddie's blogs.

Here is Christin - stitching

Here is Dani stitching - oh wait, she's texting with her stitching on her lap

Sylvia is sampling the food.

Ann and Rebecca stitching away.

Clare, Sylvia and Sheila stitching like crazy. Can you smell the smoking needles???

I am joining a new band sampler RR and I plotted out and got the bands done on my RR. These are bands from Parlor Ribbons by Just Nan. I have some beads to sew on. It doesn't look like a lot but believe you me some of those stitches were very tricky and were ripped out more than once.

I picked up Fairies in the Garden and did another chuck on it. I have now finished this page and will be starting on the back stitching. With this one I have been backstitching as I finish a page. I didn't want to face all that at the end. One more page to go!

I also completed a secret stitch.

Our granddaughter is studying for her exams and calls for one of us to go get her because she wants some company. We drop everything and go.
We have friends visiting for 5 days.
What can I say - it is summer time and it is so brief, we try to grab every minute of it.

My google reader has over 250 posts. I will do my best to get them read as soon as I can. I will try to comment as I catch up.

And oh yeah ----------- Canada Post is on strike. I have one RR in the mail to Arizona, one of the way to me and goodness know what else caught in this ridiculous strike. How very frustrating! Let's hope the strike is short lived.

Until next time, enjoy your summer breezes - it just goes so fast.

Hugs to all


  1. It looks like you all were having a very relaxing time - I'm glad you shared time with stitchy friends :)

  2. Oooh, I enjoyed your post, Kathy! My, but you got a lot of work done. That door is indeed gorgeous.

    What I wouldn't give to go on that stitching retreat with the lot of you. It looks and sounds like a few days spent in heaven.

    I LOVE the start of your Band RR. My favourite colours!

    Enjoy your busy summer days :o)

    Much love,

  3. Wish I lived near so I could join you guys. It looks like so much fun. x

  4. The house looks great Kathy! That's a lot of work getting rid of all those shrubs.
    Love the back door too!
    I'm glad you had a good time last weekend. The view looks wonderful.
    Lots of stitching accomplished too.
    Lets hope the strike is not long lived. I have some things stuck out there in mail land.

  5. Your home improvements are looking great, Kathy--I need to tackle my garden, too, but I just keep procrastinating :)

    And what a place to meet your friends and stitch! With that lake view, I'm not sure how much stitching I'd actually accomplish, though. It looks so relaxing.

    Pretty band sampler--you'd never know you had trouble with any of those stitches. They look great as does your fairy piece...

    Sounds like a busy weekend is in store--hope you get at least a bit of stitching time :)

  6. Your home improvements are coming along great. Do love that door!

    Looks like a wonderful time stitching with your friends. The idea of stitching while sitting on a lake sounds so wonderful!

  7. Wonderful post. I enjoyed reading it very much. I wish I had a stitching group here in South Finland, but cross stitching doesn't seem to be very popular :(

    Your new kitchen door looks great.

  8. Glad you've been having fun! I love your kitchen door.

  9. I love your new door and you did a great job on the garden. It sounds like you had a fun time away too.

    By the way, I put that chart in the mail before the strike, but it may be caught up in it now.... Hopefully it doesn't get lost on its way there.

  10. Kathy,
    I really love what you've done with the front of the yard. Nice kitchen door I love that glass. Your WIP's are coming along nicely. Sounds like you had a wonderful time at the retreat. Have a wonderful weekend!

  11. We did have a good time. Looking forward to our next stitching event.

  12. Great post, lots to comment on!

    Looking forward to stitching on your RR piece! I need to get on with mine, having changed my mind about where to start (blush)

  13. Things are looking great around the house.
    We sure did haave a fun weekend.
    We got lots of stitching done!..Oh... and eating .yikes! It was all so good.

  14. Wow, you have lots going on. Love the colors in your new sampler. And Fairies is looking good! Can't wait to see it finished. I've heard lots about that get together. It must have been wonderful!! Glad you got some together time. Shelia's house is just gorgeous! And the view, ahhhhhhh... Glad you're having a good summer. Good luck getting caught up on blogs. I'm doing the same thing!!

  15. Hi Kathy,

    That door is stunning, beautiful! Good luck with the last parts of the painting job.
    Mmm, stitching retreat sounds good, wish I had that!

    Take care & hugs, Carolien

  16. P.S. I LOVE those parasols, by the way, they are great! Bye!!! :)

  17. Looks like you had a wonderful time at your retreat, wish I could have been there. I love your new door and Fairies is looking great.

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