Friday 5 October 2012

Wipocalypse Post for September

Ok - so I'm a little late. The story of my life lately. I have been dealing with some medical issues and just haven't felt like posting much. I have taken much comfort in my stitching though.

WARNING: Photo intensive

My progess since the last Wipocalypse -

Finished Just Nan's True Blue Heart - photo in previous post
Finshed Las Vegas Tree - photo in previous post.
I have now completed 12 of the 24 stitches on my list.

I stitched some more on Desert Mandala - photo previous. I think I am going to rip out the Black Marlitt border that I stitched and restitch it with DMC. I used two strands and it does not lay nice at all. It has bothered me ever since so it is time for it to go.
Stitched Parliament Building on 2012 RR - photo previous.
I have two secret stitches done that cannot be shown for now.

I started LHN Travelling Stitcher - a little worried that I started too close to the top of the fabric lol.

 I stitched and restitched Merry Xmas - I had her head and hat over 1/2 stitch and had to restitch all that.
Then I realized I had stitched his outfit in green instead of red and had to restitch all that - frog infested or what!

I stitched part of The Sweetheart Tree's Sentimental Heart Sampler on Angi's RR. Another frog-infested stitch. I had the alphabet and all the vines over by 4 stitches and had to remove it and stitch it again.  It is such a beautiful RR. My photos do not do the fabric or beautiful silk colors any justice.

Thanks to a facebook friend, I did a little wander around Ebay or "Bay of Evil" one day. $60 later - this is my new stash! Considering that all the charts have the charms, it is a pretty good deal.

This past weekend my DH and I went up to our cottage to close it for the year. These colorful trees were photographed on Hwy 11 between Washago and North Bay in Ontario.

These photos were taken at the cottage that day. It was such a beautiful fall day. There is the cutest little bunny on the road. He walked right up to us and kept on going. 

Until next time, take care one and all. Be sure to enjoy the lovely change in weather. I am HAPPY this time of year! I love these temperatures.
DH and are are starting to make our plans to head to Arizona for the winter.  I look forward to the trip - 5 days of uninterrupted stitching in the car. YEAH!and no frogs allowed!


  1. Lovely post
    Are using the silks for the Prarie Moon design?
    Gear bay of evil purchase
    Pretty scenic view
    Hope you get feeling better

  2. I hope you are OK Kathy.

    You have some gorgeous stitching on the go, as always.

    Your photos are beautiful, the fall colours of those trees are so vibrant and stunning.

  3. what gorgeous scenery!! And those skeletons just "kill" me!

  4. Hi Karen sure hope your feeling better. Lots to comment: Black Marlitt border - did you seperate the two strands, then match them together before stitching? I have been told this many times, finally on a current piece I'm stitching I put this into practice - What a difference. I'm a believer now. The look of the threads is soooo much nicer. Test that if you haven't yet.
    You have been busy stitching - beautiful progress on all your pieces. Great score on your Bay of Evil, LOL. Wow that is a fantastic deal. Such pretty trees welcoming Autumn. I wish you a lovely trip and NO FROGS ALLOWED - lol.
    love Annette

  5. The trees are gorgeous, thank you for sharing. Have a safe trip out here to AZ - the weather is lovely!

  6. I hope you're fine Kathy
    love the pics, the stitching, the superstash (and most definitely NOT the frogs..!!)
    have fun and take care :)

  7. Great stitching! and your photos would make nice stitching projects too lol :D

  8. Awesome stitching as usual Kathy!!!! What gorgeous pictures of the area your cottage is in!

  9. Oh those horrible frogs! They've been all around me lately too. The pictures at your cottage are beautiful!

  10. I think you're happy this time of year because you know you can escape to the warmth and sunny AZ days very soon :)

    Lovely progress on your WIPs, Kathy, and the fall colors up your way are stunning... we have a way to go here. And what a great find on Ebay--you'll have lots to keep you busy this winter!

  11. Wonderful stitching! LOL about the "photo intensive" warning. Ummmm, we LIKE photos!

    Hope everything is okay with you health wise now. *hugs*

  12. Lovely stitching, Kathy and wow, what a huge stash haul!

    Oh, those trees sure are beautiful, changing into their fall colours.


  13. Love your band on the RR. Those Sweetheart Tree designs are a real bargain, how ever will you choose which to stitch first?!

  14. Wonderful pictures - of your stitching, of your new stash and of the wonderful places and scenery in fall. I could travel in that region endlessly, from one lake to the next admiring all the great sights.
    The sceleton couple is a funny design but not so great that you had to frog so much. Those Sweetheart Tree charts are a great ebay find, and not too expensive at all. For that same money I'd only get 5 or 6 of them here. Enjoy!
    Hopefully you'll get rid of your health problems soon and feel a lot better.

  15. Great post Kathy! The more I see of Merry Xmas, the more I think I should stitch it for my son. Reminds me very much of Nightmare Before Christmas.
    Great deal on the stash! I haven't paid a visit to the Bay of evil lately. Perhaps I should!
    Love your pics from up north. This is my favourite season and the colours are gorgeous.
    Hope you're feeling better now.

  16. The fall photos are gorgeous!

    And look at all that stitching. Nice work.

    Great stashing, too.

  17. Thanks for sharing the beautiful fall colors!!! Here the fall colors are green and dead in Southern Texas.
    Our weather has slowly begun to lower... 82 today and a nice 66 at moment.
