Friday 28 December 2012

Wipocalypse 2012 wraps up

What a stitching year this has been.

I have completed 14 of the 24 things on my list. I consider that a roaring success. In addition to those 14 things a number of other patterns came and went through my hands.

Round Robins 2012

CCN - The Nutcracker for a 50th anniversary sampler

2012 RR's
Zodiac - Leo
EMS - Wild Rose
Maple Leaf Biscornu
Canada scenes
Christmas Morning
Christmas Tree

Indigo Rose
Rainbow - Celtic Bands
Sweetheart Tree - bands in purple
Sweetheart Tree - Sentimental Heart
Celtic Banner
Sweetheart Tree - Pretty Posies
Sweetheart Tree - bands in pink
Sweetheart Tree - Blueberry Heart

Dimensions Tiger

Stone Roses
Midsummer Night's Fairy
Christmas Elegance
Spring Bouquet
Lily of the Woods
Tiger Lily

Tribal Penguin
Good Things Come to those who Stitch
Shepherd's Bush - Tending the Blooms
ABCD Traveling Pattern

Count Your Blessings

And if you are still with me - I stitched

Adoption Sampler
JBW Teddy Bear Birth Sampler
JBW 1997 Ornament
Night Before Christmas - ornament
Point Loma Lighthouse
Sister Stitcher x 2
LHN - Acorn Hill
Just Nan - True Blue Heart
Las Vegas Tree
Magic - ornament
Nutcracker from Jo
Prairie Moon - Merry Xmas
Sampler Aux Bouquets
Hooked on Lighthouses
LHN - Summer Splendor
Sampler aux Bouquets Part I
Malcolm the Moose
Traveling Stitcher
Maple Leaf

I completed Page 1 of my Etui
I made good progress on my Chatelaine - Desert Mandala..

On the sewing side
I made 5 aprons
1 spiral table runner
1 on point table runner
Christin's lamp bag
Mikaela's quilt
30 bibs

All in all, a successful year.

The most successful thing this year - time spent with my family.

Here are my two sons and their families this Christmas

and Poppa and I with our grandchildren. 

Next post - my WIPocalypse for 2013. I have signed up for at least three SAL's. What was I thinking! With all the stitching I expect to do next year I hope it will be a frog-free year.


  1. Wow! That's a lot of stitching and sewing! Great job and congrats!

    Lovely family, too.

    Happy New Year!

  2. Well done on a great stitching year. Looking at the list you have completed heaps!
    All the best for the New Year and 2013

  3. You sure got a lot accomplished this year!!!! What a beautiful (and wonderful) family!!!

  4. Kathy you have accomplished so much on the stitching side but family moments are the most important!Have a great New Year!

  5. You made fantastic progress on everything this year Kathy. Congrats!
    Looks like you had a wonderful Christmas too. I loved all your pics especially the one of you and Leo with the grandchildren.
    Bet you can't wait to escape all this white stuff again!
    Best wishes to you both for a happy and healthy New Year!

  6. Time spent with family is just priceless, isn't it? You all look very happy to be together.

    You accomplished quite a bit this year. On to 2013!

  7. You did have a great stitchy year, well done. Love the family photos.

  8. Okay, I'm impressed. You've had quite a stitching year. I wish I could accomplish just half of all that.

    Hope your holiday season has been wonderful. Here's to 2013!

  9. Wow, that was definitely a successful year, Kathy. Your needles were really smoking, lol. Hopefully next year will be just such a great stitching year for ou. Wishing you and your family a great start of 2013!

  10. Way to go Kathy! You certainly keep us all inspired and motivated. Your Christmas photos are lovely and I hope you are enjoying your "winter" holiday here. I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year long with good health and happiness in coming year.

  11. congratulations on all your finishes! What a creative year! All the best in 2013!

  12. That's a great round-up! I hadn't realised you stitched so many Sweetheart Tree bands for all the different samplers in our RR.
    Pleased and happy to see my Nutcracker gift feature there too.
    And, of course, your greatest achievement - the family.

  13. What a great stitching year you've had, Kathy! Love the photos of your beautiful family, too--I'll bet there's nothing like seeing the smiles of those cute grandkids on Christmas morning :)

  14. That's an amazing amount of stitching, Kathy! Happy 2013, and hope you have tme to do lots more stitching!!!

  15. What great family pictures. Your grandchildren are so cute!

    Wow Kathy, you really did a lot in 2012. My work pales in comparison.

    Have a safe years end and a wonderful 2013.

    hugs, Margaret

  16. Wow. Just wow.

    Great work and a great year :)

  17. Wow, you certainly got a lot done, I'd consider it a roaring sucess as well. Hope you have a fantastic New Year. Sue

  18. That is one long list of accomplishments for 2012!!! It was definitely a successful year for you. May the frogs be few and the stitches many in 2013! Wishing you all the best for your and your family. :)

  19. Wow! You did fantastic with your wipocalyse! I have joined for the next year-though I will be lucky to get half of what you did last year. Great family pictures! Spending time with the family is the best!

  20. I think completed 14 our of 24 is a roaring success that I'm jealous of!
