Monday 25 February 2013

TUSAL, Wipocalypse, Hodgepodge catchup

I am alive and well. When I hit post, the spacing is really messed up. The more I try to fix it the worse it gets. I apologize for this mess. For the first time, I over-committed myself with stitching and quilting deadlines. I have been stressed and it has taken the joy from my stitching. In order to meet my commitments I had to chose between stitching, quilting or blogging. Unfortunately blogging lost out. So here is my long overdue Wipocalypse, TUSAL and stitching, quilting post for the past 6 weeks and my early post for the current Wipocalype and TUSAL. My TUSAL glass. Round Robin #1 Cat's band sampler. I stitched the top right section. I really struggled with some of the stitches on this one but love the finished project. I got an email today that my Band Sampler is completed and on it's way home. I am sooo excited. Round Robin #2 T 2012 RR stitching. Don't you just love this Margaret Sherry hedgehog that I stitched. He made me smile. Here is the RR as it goes out in the mail. One more round and this RR is done. For the Valentine Fair Square exchange here are the squares I stitched. They are a Papillion Creations freebie. From Marcy I received these absolutely gorgeous squares. The Fair Square exchange is looking for new members. Please take the time to look at their blog and sign up. It is such fun to do these. For the Seasonal Exchange the stitching I did - a Gazette 94 freebie. Here is the exchange I received. This is a Lizzie Kate and my partner Linda is from Mexico. How cool is that! I cannot show you the winter exchange on the Stitched With Love Exchange group until notified that all are sent and received. The exchange I received is gorgeous and will post when I can. My Maple Leaf is finished and at the framers along with my Las Vegas Tree and Merry Xmas. Wait till you see the frames and mats for these. On the Quilting front. My mother's quilt has returned from the quilters and the binding is on. I will post a photo when I can get a full photo soon. I took a class called "Little Twister" and here is the result. Here is my mystery quilt for this year done. I still have to sandwich and quilt it but so far so good. With the leftover fabric I made a square for our raffle quilt. Here is that square. I received this wonderful soap frog at Christmas from a dear friend and forgot to post it. Isn't he precious! Thanks Deb. I had some thank you's to send to some wonderful people who have gifted me magazines, patterns etc. And so I took out my sewing machine. Here is the result. My newest purchases Just Nan's Christmas Mouse. I saw this little fellow posted on a blog and had to have him. He instituted a country wide search and was finally located at a needlework shop in California. Since then they have released the most darling bunny and he is on his way. The Cross Stitch Magazine with the Joan Elliott Diary with the help from a friend in England. CCN - Santa's House. Part 3 of 12 This Stitch Starter Ruler from Blue Ribbon Designs - no more starting too close to the edge of the fabric for me. And that's it for this post lol. No wonder I have been missing. Thank goodness the frog visits were brief during this time frame. May all your frogs come on a porcelain lily pad like mine lol. PS What the heck is up with Blogger????? Trying to post photos and get the spacing right was brutal. All my photos came up in words not pictures and so I had to work like the dicknns to get them in. I hope when I hit post this makes some kind of sense. Is it just me or is this really screwy?


  1. I've been thinking about you. Did any of that snow make it as far as Yuma?
    No wonder you're feeling stressed with all that you've had to accomplish recently. I thought you gave up the RRs this year.
    In any case, everything looks beautiful! I just love the mystery quilt and those cute little thank you gifts.
    Hope you're getting sun. There is nothing but gray everywhere here.

  2. No wonder you could not blog! That's a lot of gorgeous work!

  3. This post was well worth the wait, with so many beautiful things sent and received. I hope you can catch your breath and relax a bit.

  4. So much work!Congrats!AriadnefromGreece!

  5. Lots of progress to share! Great work :) x

  6. What a great post Kathy. No wonder you've had no time to blog. Everything looks great and congrats on all the finishes.


  7. All I can say is WOW! You have been busy! Everything looks gorgeous! I hope things slow down for you a bit so you can enjoy your stitching again.

  8. Gosh, you've been busy, Kathy!! Don't know how you keep up with everything. I seem to be in a slump right now, unfortunately... Have done some stitching, but nothing like last year!

    Everything from your stitching to your quilting to your sewing looks great--hope you're enjoying the AZ winter :)

  9. So much wonderful stitching Kathy! The RR is looking so sweet, I bet you're excited to get that one back.

  10. You have certainly been busy and just look at all the beautiful things you've made. Keep up the great job. I'm still loving your blog.
    LindaLee from
    CrossN' My Stitches

  11. Wow - you accomplished a lot! And it's all lovely.

  12. It's amazing you have time to breathe - much less get all this done!! Lovely work - all of it. Hard to pick my favorite, though I'm definitely partial to the band sampler and the Margaret Sherry "smiley face!"

  13. Your stitching looks amazing.

  14. Lovely pieces you have been working on. I did the little mouse and can't wait for the little bunny to arrive. He does look so cute. Wonderful gifts you sewed up, love the fabrics.
    Teresa's Heartfelt Stitches

  15. Sorry to hear your commitments took the fun out :( Your stitching and quilting look great though!!
    I LOVE that ruler!! Here did you find? I must have one!

  16. My goodness, you have been extremely busy! Such lovely projects, too. That hedgehog is adorable, way cuter than in real life! (Our GK just babysat one.) I've had trouble also with blogger lately ever since they changed the way photos are added...

  17. Kathy, ALWAYS a pleasure to sit and get caught up with you! I love your RR's that you have shown...I never had good luck when I participated in them. Your transformed Fair and Square finish...stunning! And those quilts...lovely! :)

  18. WOW KATHY!! You are always so busy, but your talent shines through. Amazing work on the stitching, quilting and sewing!! Can't wait to see what you accomplish next month.

  19. That was a post worth waiting for!

    Too much to comment on everything but Cat's RR is phenomenal!

    And you have a very kind friend to send you the magazine LOL.

  20. wow! so many projects.. and all so pretty :)
    hi its me cucki from south africa..your new follower..
    love for you x

  21. You've been busy and I've missed your blog!!!!

  22. oooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhh I love that blackwork mapel leaf, stunning in its simplicity. No wonder you have not had time to blog with so much work on the go.

  23. Love your post - so much to see and enjoy. Love the idea of the Stitch Starter Ruler but unfortunately BRD does not ship to Australia!

    hugs, Kaye

  24. Wow, Kathy, your fingers have been smokin'! All of your stitching and quilting looks fantastic. You should feel very satisfied with everything you have accomplished. I'm glad to "hear" from you, I've been missing reading your blog.

  25. My, you are really fast. I simply adore your designs and crafts. It’s all perfect! It’s really overwhelming coz’ you were able to produce many of it in just a short span of time. Well, maybe you are born to stitch and craft. Keep it up coz’ not everyone has a gift like you have.
