Thursday 27 December 2007

After Christmas tales

Well, Happy Christmas everyone. I hope you all had a wonderful holiday. We had a lovely day with friends. We go home every second Christmas and this was our Christmas to stay here. It was a bit rough going in the morning when we talked to the children and grandchildren on the phone. Hearing their excitement as they told us of their gifts and my grandson Jackson's little voice saying "Merry kissmass Gramma, I love you" kind of choked me for a bit and made us very homesick. However, DH and I pulled it together and got onto the business of making the most of our day. We had 13 guests for a potluck Christmas dinner. DH and I cooked the turkey, dressing, gravy and dinner rolls. We provided the hall and set the place up all festive. We had enough food for 10 dinners and enjoyed every single bite. We broke out the dice and cards and played into the evening. There was lots of laughter all around. Without even realizing it the day flew by and we all managed to put our homesickness aside. Everyone pitched in and helped sort the place at the end of the day. DH and our friends helped do all the dishes and put everything away. By 10 p.m. I was exhausted and in bed.

I managed a little stitching. Here is my big progress on Crystal Tree. I have put it on Qsnaps and have started the back stitching. The back stitching is all in Kreinik!!!! Yuck!!

The ornament package that I received from Margaret is completed. What a lovely stitch it was! It this my last ornament for 2007 or my first ornament for 2008?

I have been asked for the colors that I am using for Paradigm - DMC 502. I hope to work on it later today or tomorrow. Take care everyone - till the next time.


  1. Sounds like a wonderful time! Both pieces look stunning! Happy Holidays!

  2. That tree is so pretty, the backstitching will be a lot of work with the kreinik thread, but WOW it’ll be super sparkly. :D I have tried to work with a scroll stand, and a q snap before and just could not do it. I have to work in hand. Were you taught to stitch in hand, or with a hoop?

    Love the snowflake ornament, I have that on my list of “to-do’s” this coming year as well. It turned out great!

    Your Christmas sounded wonderful, sorry you could not be with your family, we couldn’t either and it was a bit tough for us too. It sounds like it ended fine though :D

  3. Sounds like you made the most of the day happy. The Xmas tree is beautiful, Good Luck!! with the bs.
    The ornie is gorgeous, I love the tiny beads.
    Happy Holidays!!

  4. The ornament came out great! It's also on my list to do soon - actually 2 of them. One in blue on an opalescent white fabric and one in silver on a dark blue fabric.

  5. Glad to hear that you had such a fun Christmas! A potluck is always lots of fun.
    I agree with your sentiments on the backstitching. It's bad enough having to do backstitching period let alone with Kreinik!

  6. The Crystal Tree is beautiful, and I wish you all the luck and blessings and providence with the Kreinik backstitching. Your Paradigm is gorgeous and thanks for giving the thread color.

  7. Im glad you had a good day despite being away from your family.
    Crystal tree is lovely but ergh, backstitching in Kreinik sounds a nightmare. Bet it'll look good when it's done though!

  8. Kathy,

    What a lovely message you left on my blog! Thank You.
    All your stitching is looking great. I seem to be in ornament mode these days! Am nearly finished another one out of the Gift of Stitching magazine...

  9. Sounds like a nice Christmas!
    Your tree is amazing and the ornie as well.
    HAPPY NEW YEAR to you both!

  10. What a delicate ornament you have made! It looks so pretty ...

    Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving such a nice comment!

    Greetings, Carolien
