Saturday 22 December 2007

New Stash and stitching progress

Well, I have been on a bit of a buying spree. Check out my new goodies.
From a company in Englewood, Colorado called Diversions - a collection of Needles Necessities, WDW and Waterlilies threads for a stash of Sweetheart Tree pieces I hope to do some day. I have a very good friend who lives in Denver and she travels quite a distance to pick up these lovely threads for me. Thanks Patty. P.S. I am looking for a thread from a company called The Thread Gatherer called FNC40-001 Heather. Can anyone help me find it please?

From my friend Ann at Knowledge and Needles - another 10 skeins for my Little Book of Stitches - I was very optimistic buying 5 skeins wasn't I! LOL

From Stitching Bits and Bobs - Drawn Threads Sampler Gameboard, JBW Designs Christmas Stocking, a hibiscus needle minder and 8 packages of Piecemaker needles. I know - 8 packages - 3 are for my BFF Beatrice. I use a different needle for each thread color so I need (well, want) lots.

Now, here is my stitching progress for this week. I seem to be moving very slowly on Crystal Tree. I am so close to the end of the regular stitching but, as with everyone, it is a very busy time and when I sit, I just sit.Paradigm, however, is moving along well. I worked until 12:45 a.m. on this particular motif to get it finished. I had to give up before I got to the back stitching. - Ah, well, next week. The members of the Snowbirds SAL got a lovely surprise this week - a nice letter from Tracy Horner at Ink Circles. The link is in my sidebar. Check it out!

I also received the loveliest gift in the mail yesterday. I participated in a Christmas Ornament exchange this past year that fell apart in the middle. Some of the other participants lost their supplies and it was very disappointing for everyone. One of the stitchers - Margaret - sent me the loveliest Christmas card and a little package. Inside the package were the supplies for Rosewood Manor - Victorian Lace Snowflake Christmas ornament from the 2007 JCS Ornament issue.

What a thoughtful little gift. I appreciate it very much Margaret and plan to stitch it right away. Perhaps we will meet at another RR and it will turn out well for us all.


  1. Have you tried checking with Wyndham Needleworks? They can special order fibers you need.

  2. I meant to ask earlier - what color are you using for your Paradigm? I love it!

  3. Those goodies should keep you in stitches for awhile.
    Nice progress on the WIP's
    I cant wait to see the VLS ornie stitched, it will be beautiful.

  4. PEICEMAKERS...I will never use another needle besides these glorious needles. I buy them 10 cards at a time because well...I'm just careless with my needles...or I have little hands that are careless....
    Your stitching updates Kathy are SO inspiring...I plan on planting my butt in a chair soon and I hope it sprouts before I'm done stitching! Merriest of Christmas wishes to you dear friend!

  5. Your WIP's are inspiring! Congrats on the progress. And you got a lot of great goodies!

  6. What great stash. Fun, fun, for you. Your stitching progress looks great. Have a Merry Christmas. I am happy to have met you.

  7. Great stash and great progress! I have that Sampler Gameboard piece on my wishlist, i really like it.
    I hope you have a very Happy Christmas!

  8. Wow Marvelous Stash.
    And I'm looking forward seeing that tree done it sure looks good!!!
    MERRY CHRISTMAS to you both.

  9. Fantastic new stash! I love the looks of those threads.
    Merry Christmas Kathy! Enjoy your holiday in that lovely climate!!
    Relax and put in lots of stitches.

  10. Your stitching progress looks great to me. Crystal Tree has come a long way since the last time I was able to check your blog!! And your new stash is definitely drool-worthy! ;)
