3 to be exact!! My mother turned 75 on September 12. My parents were married on her birthday and celebrated 58 years
The next day Hunter turned 3.
I managed to get a snap of Drew and I together.
Leo was in Ottawa to see our Jackson start school this week.
I did not put in a single stitch this week but I have a couple of finishes to show you from the week before.
Here is Baby Shoes Sampler finished and framed.
Here is Charlie's Ark Sampler finished and framed.
I completed 2 Friendship RR hearts.
Here is Carolyn's
Oh, and I fell off the no buying wagon in a big way. Here is my latest purchase!! This is Chatelaine's Desert Landscape Mandala.

My birthday was in early August but with other issues it just kind of slipped by. I did receive a couple of stitchy birthday gifts that deserve a mention.
From my BFF Beatrice some lovely fall threads and some fabric.
From the SBBC my partner was Ulla from Finland and here are the lovely gifts she sent.
I am busily working away on a Swedish weaving afghan for a wedding on Oct. 3. I started it last Saturday and am about 2/3 done. No stitching until this one is completed. Wish me luck as I want to put this down and stitch but know I can't.
Till next time - stitch for me lol.
Looks like a lot of celebrating! Congrats to everyone.
MY GOODNESS!! Look at all the beautiful wonderful things here...boys starting to school, anniversaries, birthdays, new purchases, newly framed...I LOVE IT ALL!
BUT most of all...I want to tell you sweet Kathy, HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!
What a day and how cool to have so many to celebrate with both days! Love that desert mandala - I've seen the middle stitched - very pretty! Happy belated birthday - nice presents. And I love my RR - so pretty!
You are so fortunate to have your parents around! Wish them a belated anniversary from me!!
And...you are just TOO cool of a grandma!! Love the purple!!!!
Take care...wish I lived closer, I would have dropped in for your stitching weekend!!
Busy week! Isn't it interesting how families group around dates? Labor Day weekend is host to 4 wedding anniversaries in my family. And boys are born on the 25th, girls on the 27th. lol
Can't wait to see the new afghan I love your Swedish weaving.
(I think the comment I just posted disappeared into cyberspace.)
That's some way to celebrate a lot of big events in a very short span of time! Congratulations and best wishes to one and all!
Congratulations on all the events! I love that Chatelaine! Those colors are amazing.
Whew...that is a lot of celebrating! Congratulations on it all :)
Yes, lots and lots of celebrating going on for you and your family! I can't even imagine 28 years of marriage, much less 58. How awesome! Leo sure looks adorable on his first day of school. What a big day. You are correct, a new chapter has begun. And Hunter, the pirate is such a sweetie!! Your finishes are beautiful. I'm so impressed with them and how quickly they were completed! The Desert Landscape is awesome! Can't wait to watch you turn this into reality! If you are already 2/3 done with the afgan, the October 3rd deadline will be no sweat! Don't forget to take pictures!
Hi Kathy
Lovely to see you smiling on your blog especially with your grand daughter.. the purple looked great.And what wonderful family celebrations you've had, sounded as though you were very very busy but so happy too.
Happy Stitching
Chris x
Wow! Lots of celebrating and I bet lots of food!
You and Drew look so cute together!
Wow! Lots of celebrations!! Love your framed pieces and that RR - what a fun RR to do!
You have been busy!
So much going on! Congrats to everyone, including you, for your birthday!
Your framed pieces are gorgeous!
Sounds like lots of good family celebrating. :) Love your framed finishes.
Oh my , what a festive day this is in your family. A very good reason for gathering.
Your framed pieces look so good. And what a great new project. I love Martina's mandalas very much but they are not made for me. The one I once bought is still sitting in a box and has become my one and only UFO because I haven't worked on it in many years. Enjoy your Desert Mandala.
September has been a great month!!
Congrats to you and your family for so many reasons to celebrate!!
Beautiful framed finishes!!
LOVE Chatelaine's Desert Landscape Mandala. Very nice!!
oh....lol....I need to slow down;)
Your granddaughter is such a beautiful girl!! and I LOVE her purple "do" too!
Love that Chatelain! It's so you.
Congrats on all the celebrations.
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