Monday 24 May 2010

And the winner is..........

from the Tim Horton's Cup of Destiny

drawn by my SIL -- Mare

Mare - please contact me at

My thanks to everyone who entered the draw and left such wonderful comments. It was greatly appreciated.


  1. Are you sure Leo picked the right name. I could have sworn I was going to win. Congrats Mare.


  2. Congratulations for the winner!

    Have a nice week, dear Kathy.
    Hugs, Carolien

  3. Conrats Mare! I can't wait to see your next pic to see what you're up to...
    BTW - I Love me some good 'ole Tim Hortons!! :)

  4. Congrats Mare!
    I hope you're enjoying this lovely long weekend Kathy. Hot enough for a Timmie's Ice Cap!

  5. That is way too funny! The Timmies cup of Destiny!!! So Canadian. Hope you had a great long weekend, I had a pretty quiet one except for going out dancing with friends from work last night.

  6. Congratulations to Mare!!
    Enjoy your price.

  7. Wow, I am thrilled.... now if I can only talk you out of that fab quilt? Someone said it was your first one, which can't be true can it? I long to quilt but because I just love them and I can sew. I did a sort of quickie quilt in the 80's but never a pieced treasure. I hope you got my email and I'll look forward to my surprise. Hugs, Mare

  8. Congratulations to the winner. Hope you are enjoying lots of stitching time Kathy!

    Hugs from Holland ~
