Thursday 27 May 2010

A little bit of this, a little bit of that

Well, good morning everyone. It is another bright, sunny, hot day here on the lake! Summer has arrived early and I'm loving every minute of it.
My needles and sewing machine have been busy these last few days. I have stitched on another Friendship Sampler RR and sent it on it's way. I have chosen not to show it because all of our last names are stitched on it - about 16 and I prefer not to do that.

I pulled my Chatelaine - Desert Mandala out of the pile and gave it some love.  I will show you a before and after as it hasn't been seen in a while.

See, I did make some progress. The little coyote is stitched over 1 on 32 count. I put it aside after that!

I received a message from Clare that her personal exchange has arrived. Here is the little needlebook and fob I stitched for her. The design is from The Gift of Stitching magazine and is stitched on a piece of 32 count mystery fabric that is actually a pale green with one of Vikki Clayton's silks.

And here is a photo of the rest of the goodies I included. She assures me she loves it.

My fingers did a little shopping too. My friend Lynn told me about a new thread and fabric company called Ayrloom and they are Canadian. The company is on Ebay. They had a special  so I ordered a sample pack of their handpainted threads. They are absolutely wonderful. They apparently also sell hand dyed fabrics - Guess what I'm ordering next!!! I f anyone would like info please let me know and I will be happy to provide it. And thanks Lynn for the great tip.

I received my Mirabilia RR back from my BFF Beatrice too. She filled the last block by stitching "Lady of the Flag".

And here it is completed and ready for the framers.

I have just finished a flannel baby quilt and will be delivering it to the new owners today. I am working on finishing a sampler that was given to me last year into a pillow and have been working away on my next two exchanges. No photos yet but next time?

Thank you eveyone who tossed their name into the Tim Horton's Cup of Destiny. I was delighted to find that many people actually read what I write!

Until next time - happy stitching one and all.


  1. Wow, your Mirabilia piece is gorgeous. I bet it will look fantastic when it's framed. I'm going to have a look on ebay for the Ayrloom threads...a girl can't have enough thread!

  2. Wow! Your Chateline looks amazing!
    Looking forward to seeing your Mirabilia when you get it framed!

  3. Hi Kathy, I don't blame you for putting down the Desert Mandala after stitching over one on 32ct., you must have been cross-eyed after that! Still you've made a good lot of progress on it. I just love the needlebook you made for Clare, she told me all the about the exchange that you were both doing when I saw her back in March. Your RR is just so beautful.

  4. OMG! Your Chatelaine is gorgeous already. I have never heard of these patterns before.

    That was a nice exchange you made for Clare!

    I love that RR, this is such a great idea. Nice work!


  5. Absolutely gorgeous stitching. Especially that RR piece. It is just stunning.

    Those new fibers look

  6. Beautiful Mirabilia piece! And the other stitching as well!!

  7. Everything is so pretty!!! What a nice exchange. Love your round robin too!

  8. Wow! You've been very busy, Kathy--everything looks just beautiful. That Mirabilia piece is so special--can't wait to see it framed :)

  9. Your Mirabilia piece is just stunning! That is going to be gorgeous framed.

    Love your Chatelaine - those are such beautiful pieces when they're finished. And your other pieces are wonderful as well. Those threads look absolutely yummy too!

  10. I love your Mirabilia piece, it's so pretty! I can't wait to see it framed. You have been busy :)

  11. That tiny coyote is amazing! What a stunning piece. Everything's gorgeous - wow!!

  12. Hi Kathy! Our summer has hidden away again. I do love sitting in the garden to stitch but I would have a very wet Glad your weather is nice and it seems to have put you in stitching mode. The exchange gift for Clare is beautiful. The mandala looks very involved but those colors are so striking. Happy stitching.

    Hugs from Holland ~

  13. Desert Mandala is fabulous! You are making great progress. I love the RR - stunning and your stitching for Clare is beautiful.

  14. You're welcome! The floss are wonderful aren't they? I'm happy with the fabric too.
    OMG but your Mandela is really gorgeous! I can't imagine stitching that coyote over one. No wonder you took a break!
    You've been one busy lady from the sounds of it. What you stitched for Clare is really lovely.
    Keep on enjoying this weather. It's supposed to last all weekend.

  15. You have been a busy girl Kathy! Your Mandala is looking WONDERFUL!

    See you soon.

  16. Good morning Kathy,

    Your mandala certainly has experienced some love, it looks great. And that needlebook is so beautiful!!!
    Have fun with your new 'toys' and have a nice and sunny weekend!

    Hugs, Carolien

  17. I am so in awe of your gorgeous round robin. I dont think I've ever seen a prettier one!

    Your Chatelaine is looking fab. Loving the colours

  18. THe desert mandella looks great! I hadn't seen that one before and I love it. The needlebook and fob are fantastic. Those threads look great and your RR is just gorgeous!

    What a great update!

  19. Your Mirabilia is gorgeous!
    Lovely goodies for the exchange and great progresses on your stitching!

  20. Your Desert mandala looks wonderful - nice progress! Love the exchange gift, too. And what a nice haul! But I love, love, your Mirabilia!!

  21. Your desert looks great! That was a lot of progress.

    Love the fob & needlbook combo, very elegant.

    Off to check out new threads on ebay...

  22. Hi Kathy, your Mirabilla sampler is really beautiful. I shall look forward to seeing it framed.
    Your desert mandala is also looking lovely. You got a lot done in this session and the exchange gift is beautiful as well.
    Can I have some of your heat lol. It is wet and cold where I am. - Sandra.

  23. What gorgeous stitching, Kathy! You have the touch, no doubt! I love the Chatelaine, especially.
    And, your Mirabilia came out just stunning. I know you're loving it. :[ Hugs

  24. Hi Kathy

    Your stitching is gorgeous and I love the Chatelaine I must start mine, but when???

    Happy Stitching

    Chris x

  25. This post was such eye candy, between your Mandala and exchange, and oh that Mirabilia RR! Can't wait to see it framed. Where will you hang it? It deserves pride of place somewhere.

  26. You make me want to get to work on the two Chatelaines I have!

    What do you think of the Ayrloom floss? Is it silk or cotton?

  27. Your RR is gorgeous! Nice package you put together for the exchange. And look at all those pretty threads. Yummy!
