Saturday 30 July 2011

Ahhh - cottage country

Ahh, cottage country

We have arrived at our beautiful, isolated cottage in Northern Ontario. Leo and I stopped and picked up our two grandsons and headed out last week. Leo's brother, wife and 2 grandchildren arrived at the cottage at the same time.
Blogger is being a pain and won't allow me to place the photos. I hope you can put the right pictures with the right words. This is my third attempt - sorry I just couldn't get them to move.
On the drive up we saw field after field of yellow. I have never seen so much canola and all in bloom. What a lovely sight it was.

We have had a wonderful week withour grandchildren. Lots of fun and laughter, and lots of bathing suits and towels.
What do you do when the clotheslines are full. You start hanging them on the deck railings lol.
The view, as you can see, is spectacular, the water is warm and the grandchildren are laughing lots. What more could you want.
Oh, maybe a stitching picture or two.

Ok - here they are.

 First, I stitched on Jardin Prive - I completed the house and the section above it.

Second, I completed W and X on the Alphabet Zoo Sampler for my friend Carolyn.
Third, my first Band Sampler RR arrived in the mail and I contributed the yellow bands. Joanne wants a rainbow Rr and so we are following the colors of the rainbow. I stitched a section from Sweetheart Tree "To Have and Hold Sampler" and a row from Just Nan's Floral Bouquet. I used WDE Squash, Marigold and Carries Creations Lemon. What pretty colors they were to use. I hope she likes my contribution.
Fourth, I started a new piece. Doesn't a holiday mean a new start LOL.
I started my Christmas ABC Sampler that I have dragged around forever. I swapped out the aida for evenweave and started with the letter O - ornament. I haven't gotten very fat - with the grandkids I do a lot of stitch two - get them a drink, stitch two - get them a snack - stitch on - I want some lunch, stitch two- GRAMMA - I want to go swimming in the lake. I'm sure you get the picture.

I wouldn't have it any other way.

Until next time - I've seen lots of lily pads and not a single frog. I hope they have not hopped to your house instead.


  1. The scenery is exquisite! I love the pics of the clothesline and towels on the rails! Very cute.

    Your stitching looks fabulous as always! Kids are such fun, and glad to hear you're having a great time with them. Enjoy your time at the cottage!

  2. Beautiful cabin scenery, including the laundry!

    Love Jardin Prive. I'll have to check that one out for myself.

    Enjoy your time at the cabin. It looks so cool.

  3. Sounds like you are having a wonderful and peaceful time. Love all the stitching.
    Full clothes line of bathing suits says fun time was had by all.
    Teresa's Heartfelt Stitches

  4. What a beautiful place, your stitching is fab. And don't worry about placing your pictures on your blog , mine never do sit right,or how i want them, but hey , better things to do like stitching. Enjoy your time with the family.

  5. Sounds like you are having a fun time! Hope the weather cooperates for your time at the lake :)

  6. Oh I really envy you going there for the summer. It looks so nice and relaxing and you have done so much on your Jardin prive sampler. Goregeous wips. x

  7. I'm so glad you could post these gorgeous photos! What stunning scenery! And wonderful stitching! :D

  8. What a great holiday! You did so much lovely stitching. I saw the alphabet online this week and rather liked it.
    My RR looks amazing, the rows go together so well, they look made for each other.

  9. Gorgeous WIPs and what a lovely holiday - I'm jealous!

  10. oooo looks like you had a fab time and you still got lots done :) love the washing photo and the one of the lake :)love mouse xxxx

  11. Looks very peaceful. Thanks for sharing!

  12. Looks like a fabulous vacation!
    Great stitchy progress too!

  13. It looks a lovely place to go for vacation. Loving all your stitching as well

  14. Ahhh, I want to visit the cottage too and I wanna go swimming in the lake. LOL Lovely stitching too.

  15. Too funny. They did hop to my house for a bit, but then they left, and I'm not sure where they are. (I wish Yes Dear would pounce the frogs for me. Then they would stop coming around, lol.) Your stitching all looks wonderful. Your RR contributions are lovely. I like the color in the ABC RR. And grats on getting a new start. Love the pics of all the towels out on the line. That's always a fun time. When we were the grandkids, we always wanted to go out on the boat. Our parents and grandparents never got any rest, lol.

  16. It's a lovely place to be, pretty!

    Which blogger editor are you using? If you haven't switched to the updated editor you might give it a try.

  17. Pretty scenery!!! Hope you have a nice trip. I hate it when blogger acts up :-(.

  18. nice blog. i like it. Groeten vanuit Nederland.

  19. Kathy it looks like you're having a wonderful time with your family! The photos are wonderful and your stitching is great too! Look forward to stitching up that last block on Carolyn's RR!

    See you soon!

  20. sounds like a wonderful summer vacation to me! Love that jardin prive!!

  21. As far as I'm concerned, there's nothing better....cottage life and family.
    I'm glad you're having such a good time and that you're getting to spend some quality time with your grandchildren.
    And you've even managed to stitch too! Your WIP are all looking great!

  22. I'm certain you are having lots of fun! Enjoy the moment!

  23. What a fantastic holiday!! Family, grandkids, water and stitching - can't think of anything nicer!! Your WIP's are all fantasic!!

  24. I'm glad you had such a nice time with your grandchildren. Your Alphabet Zoo looks fantastic - you are really in the home stretch.

    Like someone else mentioned, I found that switching to the New Editor in Blogger worked like a charm for those pesky picture placements. Go into settings and scroll down to where it says Select Post Editor, then choose the Updated Editor.

  25. I could live forever in a cottage with scenery like that!

    Your stitching looks great.

  26. Kathy,
    We have 3 frogs in our pond, so maybe your frogs are on vacation at our house LOL. Your photos are wonderful, enjoy your holidays.

  27. Look at all that lovely stitching! Where are you finding the time? ;o)
