Thursday 21 July 2011

Fly-by Post

Hi everyone.
Thank you all for you so kind messages. It has been a very difficult time for us and I appreciate your words. Paul was a very dear friend - one of those people you loved the minute you met and he will be a great loss to this world. He has left behind 4 beautiful children, lots of grandkids and his wonderful gift of laughter.

Before I left to go to the funeral, I managed to finish up the pillow shams to match my parent's quilt. There were no large pieces left - just enough for the backs - and so they became patchwork shams.

In the car, traveling (1200 miles one way) to south west Kansas, I finished up the finishing on my
Seasonal Exchange and the stitching on my Fair and Square Exchange. I cannot show them until they have been received so you will have to wait for those pictures.

Beatrice came to spend the day with me shortly after I got home. She and I entered my sewing room at 10 a.m. and except for a lunch break did not leave until 5 p.m. Leo said every time he went by the room all he could hear was " YAK, YAK, YAK "  Sewing and quilting does take lots of discussion lol.
I made a Kindle cover for my DIL

and Beatrice showed me how to make project bags.  The bag I made is a gift and so - when it is received  - I will post it. You can see the bag she made for me in a previous post.
We worked on her quilted piano cover and the sashing and borders on a quilted wall hanging she was doing. It was a wonderful day spent with a best friend.

When I was at Knowledge and Needles for our regular stitch in, one of our stitchers, Bernie, gave us all a wonderful handmade ort container. Isn't it cute!

I received the next Mirabilia RR and added my square. I stitched Tigerlily. What a beautiful RR this is and how unique the shapes are. It is now packaged and ready for mailing.

Oh, and look - some new stash - Mystic Dragon II from an online friend, Eastern Seaboard Sampler from Karen and some purchases from Rachel who is destashing to my benefit.

I will be leaving tomorrow to spend 3 weeks at our cottage in Northern Ontario. It is a lovely spot on a lake way off the beaten track. There is no phone service and the cell phones work intermittently. I am hoping to have lots of time to relax and I plan a serious case of stitcher's butt!! There is no internet but I will go into town once a week to check my email.

Until I return to the fold, I hope you all have plenty of lovely stitches and the only frogs you find are in the local ponds.


  1. I hope you are both able to relax and unwind after the stress of your friend's death. I'll keep his family in my prayers.
    Your pillow shams turned out lovely Kathy and your day with Beatrice was well spent! Love the Kindle cover!
    That Mirabilia RR is exquisite! I've never seen one quite like it.
    You've got some great new stash too.
    Enjoy your lakeside vacation. We are headed home from ours tomorrow morning. I'll be making a pitstop at K&N in Brighton on the way.

  2. Wow! What a post full of goodies!!!!

    Your get-away sounds wonderful!! Enjoy your peaceful time!

  3. Sounds like a wonderful time with a good friend. Your shams are gorgeous, and the Kindle cover is really cool. I know a number of people who would like one of those. Enjoy your time at a lake - sounds fantastic to me!

  4. What a lovely wish for all of us. I wish you the same during your vacation!! Lots of goodies in this post. Love the ort bag and Kindle cover. The color in your Kindle cover is beautiful! Can't wait to see the things you sent out to new homes too!

  5. Oh, three weeks at a cottage sounds delightful, Kathy! I imagine you'll have lots to show us when you return. Love all of your latest creations--especially that Kindle cover--beautiful work and such lovely fabric. Your parents' shams look great, too--wonderful job at pulling them together with the scraps of fabric. I like the patchwork effect...

    Thanks again for my darling bag and the other goodies--you really made my week!! Enjoy your trip and the sound of the loons :)

  6. Your work is so pretty! I love that RR. Awesome

  7. Enjoy your vacation at the cottage! No phone and internet sounds like bliss to me! :) Love the pillow shams and that RR is very different. Love the star shapes.

  8. That RR is smashing. Enjoy your time away!

  9. My condolences on your loss.

    The shams look great, as does the ereader cover. Too funny about the hubby saying all he heard was yak-yak-yak. :)

    Nice RAKS! And that round robin is gorgeous.

  10. I am so very sorry to hear of your loss Kathy! It is hard to say goodbye to dear ones in life but remember to look for him in your heart. He is there through all the memories.

    Days with friends are the best! It sounds like Beatrice and yourself had a great one.

    All the RRs looks amazing as you share them. How many rounds are there yet?

    I am signed in with my name for the newest blog I have. I still have the others but am starting a 3rd one. Am I crazy? :-)

    Hugs from Holland ~

  11. We had such a good day together...thanks for the shared help.
    Poor Leo he just doesn't get it,,,.we can talk for hours on end.

    I miss you!

  12. Lovely stitching and sewing! Enjoy your get away--it sounds like a slice of heaven.

  13. Just wanted to say again how sorry I am about your friend!!!

    Pretty stitching and stash too :-).

  14. Wow waht a wonderful set-up for a round robin how unique and pretty!

    As usual you are so busy and productive and your work looks great!

  15. Hi!
    Wonderful stitching and sewing! All of your works looks great! I see your other blog of Mirabilia.
    I'm from Hungary, my name is Anikó. I also love all of these fairies, princesses and mermaids of Mirabilia. I would like to become a member of your group.
    I work on two projects nowadays: Cinderella and the Emerald Mermaid. There are two other Mirabilia's mermaids on my 'to do list': Mediterranean Mermaid and Mermaids of the Deep Blue.
    How can I join? My e-mail address is:
    Thank you in advance.
    (I'm sorry, if I send this comment more times, but I don't see it on my computer.)
