I have been very quiet as I have been working on a mystery quilt with my quilt group here in Arizona. I missed the first two weeks so I am catching up. I am there now. I cannot show you the table topper as it will be a gift for someone who reads my blog. Sorry.
I also will not bore you with photos of Noddy and Royal Holiday. Noddy has had a monkey and the same boat as before added to the border. I have done some stitching on Royal but she still looks like a brown blob.
Now for the variety.
First up, here is Jack's birthday cake that Grandma made for him. He requested a garbage truck and after much searching here is what I came up with.
Upon my return I received this lovely gift from Clare. Clare and I did a Fair and Square exchange together and have become friends. She sent me this lovely ornament of a lighthouse. Santa's sleigh is being pulled by a team of goldfish. We can't quite figure that one out so if anyone has any ideas.
Next up, my neighborhood is home. Annemarie mailed it off to me late December and I was thrilled to receive it. The photos do not do it justice. It is so tiny and perfect. My heartfelt thanks go out to Carol, Katrina, Judith, Cathy B, Annemarie and Michelle. Edited to add Erin. I am so sorry Erin. I knew someone's name was missing but just could not come up with it. Today I looked at my RR and there it was - your name. thank you so much.
I have a good friend named Bill C. Last year, he went to the Yuma fair with Leo and I and saw the ribbons that I had won. He made a crack to the effect that anyone could do that and that he was going to stitch something and enter it in next year's fair as competition for me. I promptly dismissed his words.
Well, this week he presented me with this finished cross stitched piece. He has since learned that it is not as simple as it looks and that stitching takes a great deal of time. He worked on it off and on since last summer. Bill is known for his whining capabilities so I will always be reminded of him by his choice of pieces to stitch. I think he did a wonderful job for his first stitch!!!!! and I appreciate the time and effort he put into it.
I also received my next winter neighborhood in the mail and have started on it. Here is my progress to date.
Now, if you are not bored to tears I have a little business to conduct.
Lesley had this interesting little tidbit on her blog and I decided to go along with it. She got to interview me and ask me 5 questions in return for posting them to my blog.
1. What do you like and dislike about the place where you live?
In Arizona I love the sunshine and the everchanging desert. I do not like the duststorms and sometimes I miss green trees. In Canada, I love the view of the lake from all the windows in my house. I do not like the dampness that can be persistant from living so close to the water.
2. What types of crafts and needlework do you do and which do you enjoy most?
I do cross stitch, swedish weaving, crochet, ribbon embroidery, crewel, 3D paper tole, cake decorating and quilting. My top choice is always cross stitching.
3. Tell us what you admire most about your sons.
My older son Bob - his calmness, his love for his family and the joy he takes in life
My younger son Adam - he is very affectionate, his love for his family and his sense of adventure.
They are my great joy. Their father died when they were very small and they have been everything to me. Leo is a wonderful father to them for many years and my children adore him. I have been twice blessed.
4. Out of everything you have made yourself, which do you like best? which did you enjoy most? which are you most proud of?
I love Fairy Grandmother (Lavender and Lace) that I stitched for my granddaughter. I enjoyed stitching Paradigm Lost the most and I am most proud of Celtic Banner which won me the ribbons at the county fair.
5. I received a wonderful stitchy surprise today. What has surprised you most recently?
My blog entry before this one I think covers my biggest surprise. I cannot believe that after all this time, that Mirabilia RR has been returned to me and that I was able to send it on to Marjean.
If you would like to be interviewed by me, this is what you do.
1. Leave a comment saying "Interview me"
2. I will respond by sending you 5 questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will update your blog with the answers
4. You will include an explanation and an offer to interview someone else
5. When others ask to be interviewed you will ask 5 questions.
Whew, I think I got it all. Okay anyone want to be interviewed??????????