Another week has come and gone and we are still here. Our son called his endocronoligist and was told that they have contacted the surgeon. He is to wait for the surgeon's call. We have no idea how long that could be.
Our grandsons had a wonderful Halloween. Here they are dressed in their outfits.

Jackson is Ironman and Hunter is Venom - bad Spiderman he calls it.
Jackson was fascinated with all the things in his bag and kept running back to show us how full it was. Hunter was more interested in the decorations and costumes around the neighborhood.
Our son went deer hunting for the first time this week. He did indeed shot Bambi. Although I am not impressed with hunting, it was nice to see him smile and chatter about his big week.
Our week with the grandsons went like this - Monday - Jackson home sick with fever and lethargy, Tuesday - Hunter home - threw up, fever and lethargy, Wednesday afternoon and Thursday - Mommy home with fever and lethargy. They have all recovered now except for coughs and sniffles.
DH spent three days putting together a chest of drawers from IKEA and he and I had a few choice words when he tried to show me what went wrong. He finally drove the thing 40 minutes into town and made them put it together. What fun!!!
And me, I did laundry, dishes, tidied, made meals and stitched lots!!
I concentrated this week on Fairies in the Garden and got a lot done. Since I took this photo I have almost completed the backstitching and that will finish up this page. If you look closely you will see two fairies near the bottom of the page.

Oh, and the kitties- here they are in the kitchen having a plateful of corn.

Hunter making sure he gets every bite.

And Jackson is having a cat nap LOL.

We are headed back to our home area tomorrow. We will stay with my parents for a week. I will take my mother for her cataract surgery Thursday and her follow up appointment Friday. At the end of next week, we will look at things again and decide whether to stay or go.
Until then, I'll keep stitching and you stitch along with me. I am not sure what my focus will be next week. Will have to see what calls the loudest from my stitching bag.