I got my computer back from the repair shop today. $170 bill for a new power jack. Of course, the warranty expired three weeks ago.We have had nothing but problems with this laptop since we bought it and I will NEVER buy this brand again.
Since my last post was photoless I will do my best to improve it this time. Here we go.
First up, photos of Beatrice, Adriana (Beatrice's mom) and I at our Sunday stitch and visit. I just love these two people and was delighted to be able to spend some quality time with them. On the back of the couch behind us is part of Adriana's latest work - an angel full of Kreinik and beads and she is 92!!

Next up, Cathy B.s Neighbourhood. Cathy asked us to stitch something representative of where we live. Since I spend 6 months of the year in Arizona and have for the past 6 years I decided to stitch something representing the southwest. My block came from a Cross My Heart booklet from 2000 called Shades of the Southwest. I added the saguaro cactus and the mountains.

I worked on Paradigm last week and am within a dozen stitches of finishing page 1. That means there are only 9 more pages to go!!!

Last, and never least, I thought I would include a couple of photos of our grandsons. One photo is of Poppa and Jackson reading the newspaper and the second Jackson, Hunter and Poppa are playing with PlayDoh. There are no photos of me since I am holding the camera and therefore am not ever in the photos.

It has been very interesting - a lot of fun, a lot of laughter and totally exhausting looking after our two grandsons. We took them to their swimming lessons last Saturday. My organizational skills revived themselves very quickly making sure we had all the necessary ingredients for a successful trip. Jackson is a little fish in the water and spends more time under the water than on top. DH had to go in the water with Hunter as he is in the very early stages and is rather tentative. Tuesday was "Visit with the Doctor" day. Hunter was due for his needles and Jackson was due for his 3 year old checkup. We left the house, ran into a snowstorm, drove into the city (very slowly) promptly got lost and arrived at the doctors 1/2 hour late. The appointments were successful. Both boys are in great shape!!! Thank goodness the parents weren't around. We may have gotten fired.
Looking after the two boys has revived my earlier days. I am back to organizing backpacks for daycare, meals, laundry, play time, snack time, nap time, bed time and any other time in between. I have picked up 40 sippy cups, 100 little trucks and 1000 legos and assorted toys. I have changed 20 dirty diapers, given 14 splash filled baths, kissed 10 boo -boos and held my hands over my ears only 40 or so times (well, maybe less). Through it all, it has been an experience I will never forgot. The parents return Friday afternoon. We love our grandsons dearly but will happily settle back into the roll of grandparents. It is much more relaxing and much less responsible. I am too old to be so responsible.
Now, to a new problem. Somehow, I have the same photos at the bottom of this post and have no idea how to delete them - end result - too many photos $)%T^&@J
Please stick with it to the end and leave your comments. The comment sections is wwwwaaay down - just keep scrolling. I really enjoy hearing from everyone. Sorry about the blooper.

Kath - sorry but but your latest blog is all title and no pics. Was hoping to see your latest progress. Hope all's well with you both - Debby
Nice RR's you're working on. I love your PL, it's coming along splendidly ;)
Hi Kathy,
I can read your post of January 23rd, and I can see all the pictures, but the whole thing appears to have been done twice!!
Never mind. We all have issues with our computers. Mine is almost 7 years old and I think in human years that works out to roughly 259 years.
Your two neighbourhood RR's really turned out beautifully and I love all the personalized detail in each. Especially the Beaver and the Canada Goose in the rustic one.
Looks like you've had some wonderful stitching time with Beatrice, Ann etc. I can never get over Beatrice's mum and the incredible stitching that she does.
And you've been a wee bit busy with the little grandkids too. Lot's to do, and lot's of energy to burn. After their parent's get back from their vacation you're going to need a vacation of your own. Lol.
I loved reading your answers to the questionnaire that's making the rounds of bloggerland. I want to go to Drumheller and look for Dinosaurs too!! And you've lived in some interesting places too.
It sounds like you have been very very busy!! Your works in progress are all lovely and it looks like you have been having many enjoyable moments.
I can read your post clearly.
Blogger won't let you go in and edit or delete some photos that popped in twice, hmmmm? Just keep trying I guess.
Wonderful RRs Kathy - they look great!
Well done on your PL - you are so very nearly caught up to me :) I knew that having a 3-month head start was never going to last!
Glad you've been having a fun time with your grandsons - you'll miss them once you're back in Arizona!
Both RRs turned out great! I love what you chose for them. Your PL is looking beautiful too!!
Thanks for sharing the photo's of us from the weekend that you were here. Boy you have been busy. I'm glad you have your computer fixed.
The RR's are lovely. Arizona turned out great. And the goose and Beaver as well. I'm glad you found time for stitching.
DH and the boy's look like they are enjoying themselves. You'll miss them when you go home but maybe not all the hard work...Thats why we have children when we are younger I guess.
p/s I loved seeing the photo's twice that made them twice a good!!!
Great photos all around, I love the one of Poppa and grandson "reading" the paper! TOO CUTE!
I'm sure the boys have loved having you there, even if they do tire you out! I'm looking forward to the days myself that my two hoodlums are a little more able on their own, to free up some of my time (so I can stitch more).
I hope everyone has safe travels back home...
Somedays I feel too old to pick up sippy cups, legos, kiss boo boos, and the other Mom stuff too :) But I know that all too soon this will pass and I'll be a grouchy old, lonely lady :(
Your stitching is just lovely as always Kathy...love the beaver...he made me smile :)
Hi Kathy,
Glad to see you're enjoying your time with your grandbabies. Lovely pictures of you Beatrice and Adriana!
Can't wait to see you on Sunday, are we doing breakfast?
I can help you clean up that post when you get to my place. Sorry to hear you've had so much trouble with your laptop I've enjoyed my frist one by that company so much I got my second one from them as well! Yours must of been assembled on a friday before a long weekend!
Those wonderful grandkids sure are keeping you busy! Yet you've found time to stitch? Amazing!!! :D
Thanks for a wonderful post full of lots of very fun pictures.
Your stitching looks great KAthy and I do admire you for taking on the grandsons for a whole week. I could not do it with ours, I know that for sure.
We arrived in Florida safe and sound. Today was gorgeous but apparently it is cooling off tomorrow. No snow in the forecast though so I am not complaining!
Hello Kathy,
Nice to see you ont the pictures and also nice to see Beatrice and her mother on them! Fun!
I love your PL, the green colour is so nice (or did I say that already in an earlier blog? Can't remember.)
Happy stitching and greetings,
Love the pictures of the grandkids! Sounds like a fun but exhausting time!
Your stitchy pictures are great too..the neighbourhoods you are working on are lovely. Congrats on finishing page 1 of PL. Great progress! I havent had a chance to work on CdC this week unfortunately
The RR's look both great. Looking forward to stitching on them when they come to my house. I already decided what to stitch on Annemaries which I now have at home.
Go to my blog you've gotten a you make me smile award
The Neighborhood RRs look fantastic. The southwest one is very original, and the rustic one is just adorable. You are also making great progress on your Paradigm Lost. Looks like you are making up for having no photos in the last post.
I love your Neighborhood RR's, they are beautiful. I haven't done a lot of stitching this week, but did work on my bird RR for a little while last night. Got some housework to get done this afternoon and then I can stitch some more.
I just love the RR squares. PD is looking great. Nice photos, Thanks for sharing.
Whew,I'm exhausted just reading about everything you did with your grandkids! Way to go!! Glad you had such a great time with them.
Your stitching looks great. I love the RR where you picked a theme to fit in with your Arizona home. It's lovely. Hope you have a safe return to Arizona.
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