There were wonderful gifts and some purchases I had made waiting for me.
First off, from my wonderful friend Sandra who lives in Portugal. We had agreed on a private exchange and this is the lovely package that arrived in my mailbox.
This is the lovely project bag, pincushion and scissor case she made for me. Isn't it gorgeous. Her stitching is absolutely perfect and the finishing is just as beautiful.
Included in the package were some lovely gifts - thread winders, rings, skeins of floss, two designs and a pair of scissors from a Paris needlework shop, a pattern for some stuffed pincushion birds, some lovely fridge magnets, an angel heart and a lovely Swarovski necklace that I wore out to dinner that night.
Thanks to the wonderful Melissa I had to have this latest pattern to add to my evergrowing stash of lighthouse patterns. How cool is that! - a lighthouse biscornu.
Browsing Ebay one evening I found several copies of very old Just Cross Stitch magazine and before you knew it, my finger had clicked on bid. They are now in my possession. And the cool part - one magazine has the very earliest Prairie Schooler patterns in it!
From my friend Deb (no blog) in Virginia came this amazing collection of Oriental fabrics. They have now joined my pile of quilting stash!
And finally, my rather sad progress on my Desert Mandala. I completed one of the flower sections on the right top and started on the next one. I have done a little secret stitching but I cannot share it as yet.
I do have a little more to share with you but this post has gone on long enough.
I find loading photos on blogger so stressful any more. They move everywhere but where I want them to go and I end up deleting them several times till they land where they are supposed to be. Am I the only one with these issues?
And Harmien, those frogs are still partying!!! Photos to come in next post.
My son is recovering amazingly well and will be back to work next week. I don't think further updates are needed unless something changes. Thank you so much everyone for all your caring and kind words. All of your prayers helped ensure my son's successful surgery and rapid recovery and are greatly appreciated by my family and I. Sending big hugs of thanks to you all.
So glad your son is feeling better!
Those are some amazing goodies you received... I saw that lighthouse biscornu and thought of you too!
Your mandala is looking really nice... can't wait to see it in a few months!
Kathy, first of all, I'm so very happy to hear that your son's recovery is progressing well. What wonderful news!!
And second, I just have to comment on the lovelies that Sandra made for you. Oh. My. Goodness. What a fabulous set!! Lucky you!!
And finally, I just have to say that I used to own every single one of those issues of Just Cross Stitch at one time, that is, until I sold them for a pittance at a garage sale. [sigh] Enjoy your find!!
Thats great news about your son Kathy!
Wow, so much great stuff you came back to. How i'd love to flick through those magazines!
I also have issues with blogger and photos. So frustrating
Glad to hear that Bob is well on the road to recovery. Wow - you did receive some lovely mail. Your mandela is looking great. Hurry home. We miss you.
Outstanding exchange!
Glad to see I lured you into that biscornu, my work here is done. lol
I love old magazines, what's was old is new again.
Very happy to hear your son is recovering so well, shame to have to spend all that good health on work... but one does what one must. lol
You'll want to leave home more often if you come back to mail like that each time, Kathy. What an amazing gift from Sandra--I know you'll treasure it.
And what great news about your son :)
what lovely gifts to have waiting for you on your return - that stitching set is gorgeous.
What great news about your son's recovery! You certainly rec'd some nice things, Kathy. I love your desert piece! Stitching circular patterns is difficult, IMHO. Yours looks great!
Great stash Kathy. I can't wait to see that huge lighthouse biscornu stitched up!
Glad your son is recovering well.
Glad your son is doing better! Love the exchange and the rest of the mail is great as well!
That is great news about your son. I love the exchange and all your stashy stuff. I have been admiring that lighthouse biscornu too. :o) Have a great weekend!
Is it April yet???
Little Sister
Oh Kathy, what an absolutely wonderful set you got from Sandra. Gorgeous. And such nice goodies that came with the set. Enjoy everything.
Good find on ebay. I have some older JCS magazines myself but unfortunately not the one with the early PS charts in it. But I enjoy browsing the ones I have from time to time and I always find something that I could stitch immediately.
The best news comes from your son. I'm glad that he feels so good and that he'll be back to work soon.
Glad your son is doing well!!!!
Great stash and presents too :-).
Good to hear about your son. Wonderful exchange and stitching!
I'm so glad your son is better...good health is always a blessing.
Wow - what a wonderful mail run!! I'd love to just come roll in your new stash! Have fun deciding what to work on first!! :)
What an amazing exchange!! And your new goodies are amazing. So much to stitch, so little time :)
Great news about your son!
Wonderful finds!
Dear Kathy,
I am glad your son is doing so well!
The exchange you received is very beautiful!!! And that bid you made at Ebay is very promising, nice!
Happy Easter & hugs,
Wow what a wonderful exchange and gifts you received! You are truly lucky!
Mandala looks great! keep working on it!
I've never found I had trouble with pictures in blogger except it being time consuming. I did find a new option for putting pictures and its much easier.
Hello dear Kathy,
Yesterday a swet surprise arrived: your envelope! Thank you so much ... I just wrote about it on my blog. Please have a look. The entry before the last one had 2 giveaways, maybe you're interested too????
Hugs, Carolien
Beautiful exchange!
I'm so glad that your son is doing so well. Your progress is pretty, maybe not as much as you would have liked but nice anyway. And what a bunch of goodies! I think the frogs are going to make you smile for many years to come!
wow that is a lovely gift! almost too pretty to use :)
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